Thứ Ba, 21 tháng 10, 2014

Portal 2 played on 3 Windows 7 tablets the dual screen Toshiba Libretto W100 and Acer Iconia and i7 powered Lenovo X220t

Portal 2 is the game of the year far.. so today recovering from Steam`s summer camp thegameveda decided to devote half an hour or so playing the proverbial mouse in the maze.. not on my gaming rig but across 3 different Windows 7 tablets . You can see how the Source engine scales down and up from an i3 to i5 and i7 cpu and their accompanying Intel gpus .. you can also see my decaying grey matter spark into action as I learn how to solve the puzzles which your average lab rat probably does in its drug induced sleep , plus they get more cheese ...

oh and Portal 2 is pretty sharp on the Ion powered joojoo too.. more on that later 4 tablets in one gaming session is more than my prescription allows.......

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