Chủ Nhật, 26 tháng 10, 2014

LulzSec add Eve Online , Minecraft , Escapist , Bethesda notches to their Hacking Tragedy...

So many intriguing questions surround   LulzSec and none of them relate to that age old catch the Hacker chestnut ... their identity ...

No the most pressing questions re LulzSec  include are they or aren't they ?  Benign or malevolent? Are they a hacking equivalent of Mercutio , shouting a plague on  both your houses to the every day lax security hack ready online companies and us the end user that so fallibly and readily  enters every personal detail of our lives 

Are LulzSec  going to be the noughties equivalent of Tyler Durden , taking down the virtual strongholds of financial institutions...  

2011 is the year the world woke up to hundreds of millions being hacked , and thegameveda predicted that this would inspire other groups of hackers to literally go for the 1 billion score , or literally hack the planet.

LulzSec are just one group , benign or malevolent , it does not matter , we need to adapt and have detail free online accounts , the equivalent of Paypal but for online account details ... not that , Paypal is immune from attacks ...

However just like Mr Shakespeare`s Mercutio , LulzSec should be wary , as just like Mercutio they may face an untimely demise for butting in where they are not welcome ,fighting a fight that really is not theirs.... 

This is a fight that our governments should be taking to the companies that regularly lose and or release our data so readily..

For yes I know that online security at practically every company is lax , but  I do not  need to have my data stolen by hackers and the companies that hold that data do not deserve to have their business and livelihood ruined just to prove a point.  

So Lulzsec it just not a brief Shakespearean act  before the dagger you seek to stop actually ends up in your own back ?  

And is not ..your play of hacking just a play of tragedy in the long term , for the Man , us , and yourselves?


Check out some Romeo and Juliet if you missed the riff and need to know how the story goes/ends

this content is © and originated from thegameveda  if you are reading it from any other site that has not provided a link back it has been leached 

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