Thứ Ba, 28 tháng 10, 2014

E3 2011 Nintendo keynote :old friends chanting ...Wii U.. Wii U..Wii U.. Wii U...Wii U

First off the Nintendo E3 2011 keynote did not put mii to sleep like the Sony one . Starting solidly with Miyamoto san , and a translator that managed to complete translations before old Shigeru had a chance to actually complete a sentence in Japanese . Either this was telepathy or the teleprompt timing had been Bowsered ... 

It was great to see a master games designer speak , Iwata san also shone although  Mr Fils Aime looked a bit off this year ,  however all 3 outdid any other grovelling CEO at this years E3 2011 keynotes. 

What was not so great was the substance , Nintendo are masters at selling old rope , and this was the aim of the entire presentation . 

Of course somewhere in the litany of rehashes of rehashes of rehashes of Nintendo staples , was the announcement of the Wii U ... which was no surprise at all because everyone in the known universe knew it was coming... 

Do you remember that amazing E3 when the Wii mote came out and Miyamoto and co played Wii Tennis with a totally unplanted audience member? Well there was none of that kind of awesome at this presentation. 

Wii do love Miyamoto san , wii have respect for what Nintendo is trying to do with the Wii U  and it will make a welcome purchase as our old 360s and PS3s gather dust....

But let us be deathly serious for one moment ,  iOS and Android are killing the traditional console manufacturers , gaming has already moved from the TV ... to the tablet and the phone , and the gaming laptop with a resurgent PC gaming market . All these platforms are what Nintendo are hoping to claw back some market share from.... By the time it launches Wii U , Windows 8 tablets , and iPad 3 , as well as the next gen of Android tablets will dent Nintendos market share even more . 

And of course it will rely or try to rely on Zelda Mario etc to counter this , but these are ageing giants , a little Angry Bird for instance is now as recognisable by gamers and non gamers as Mario Zelda or Link . And Apple and Google are bigger brands than Sony or Nintendo...

Even the might of these gaming legends cannot take on a tiny phone App , and that is because Nintendo like Sony have no answer to Apples  iTunes store , no answer to the Android App store and absolutely no answer to Steam or the likes of Onlive and browser/social network gaming .

Saying that they do will not alter this harsh reality. They cannot compete with the new boys and girls ..

The era of console led gaming is over , and Nintendo present well , but look closer and you will see it is just old rope , in HD , pseudo 3D , or streamed to a controller that wishes ....wishes it were an iPad ....Xoom or any of the million or so devices that now take up our gaming time . 

I remember Zelda , Mario , Mario 3D , etc but been there done that , do not want to do it again , and again , and again . 

Nintendo need to wake up with NEW IP , and RETIRE some old IP , why is the most respected games designer of our time locked into an endless cycle of rehashing a few staple games ? 

Free Miyamoto san now ! Wait and see when Apple buys Nintendo you the games fan will rejoice ....keynote presentations by Steve Jobs and Miyamato san .... now that would sell some old rope......

check out the video on G4 or at the official Nintendo site 

this content is © and originated from thegameveda  if you are reading it from any other site that has not provided a link back it has been leached 

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