Thứ Bảy, 18 tháng 10, 2014

Download Brink now,play free all weekend and check out the Quakecon Steam deals!

Yes thegameveda is downloading whilst typing and crying into my spill proof(ish) keyboard whilst perusing the awesome Steam Quakecon deals (  games I bought already at a higher price!). Deals that include  every Bethesda and iD game and expansion yet released , this people is how the PC scene survived .. awesomely high value  legitimate download purchases .. it is just soooo cool to OWN every Bethesda and iD game for at total of around £50 .. who the hell would want to pirate them ? 

This is the logic of service and delivery that Valve keyed into with Steam , and it is the reason why whilst your ageing dust gathering console weeps in the corner of your room , you will be looking to upgrade your rig , snag a shiny new ultraportable or a tablet or 5 .. nothing absolutely nothing delivers gaming deals  like Steam   .. well ok Onlive can be pretty cool , and instant for that matter , and Gaikai shows continuing promise ....

I cannot wait to see what Carmack et al and the Bethesda crew have in store for us , to think a few years ago we would just be sitting around waiting to see what  platform game, action rpg , or beatemup the great Japanese softcos were bringing out on the mainly Japanese owned console scene. That SLI gpu`d rig you built for way too much money would sit gathering dust and you may even  have in your pc gaming frustration  resorted to buying a Microsoft console to play the once Mac bound Halo..with major retail stores no longer stocking your PC games ..outside a bargain bin..Online piracy ruled the PC gaming scene , allegedly dooming the PC market ,original PC legends like iD were resorting to console led development.. . Then Steam happened : no really happened .. and a few years later   the gaming season for 2011 is about to kick off , and it looks like to be the richest and widest selection of games with the best deals going leading on PC or Mac , and I have not even touched on the streaming and browser based revolutions that are also leading on the PC  and Mac.

All in all whilst consoles , iOS and Android devices may have PSN and Xbox Live Stores , iTunes and Android Apps that drive their revenue streams .. that`s old hat now .. the Cloud is coming and the PC and Mac for that matter are where the widest variety of bleeding edge technology and game delivery systems exist and evolve on a daily basis  . We core gamers have never had it so good.... and never had so little time (you are getting old too dude!) to play so many games !


this content is © and originated from thegameveda  if you are reading it from any other site that has not provided a link back it has been leached 

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