Thứ Bảy, 19 tháng 7, 2014

Windows 8 Live Event A Calmer Ballmer heralds the post iOS Android Era : Let Freedom reign!

Windows 8 has just had its introduction to the masses, those in the know have been using Windows 8 for almost 10 months now. There is quite literally an army of Windows 8 X86 and RT machines releasing alongside the software from midnight tonight.  The best thing for me is the lack of a Johnny Ives monologue and also the strange absence of a hop scotching screaming Steve Balmer.

Let me say that more clearly after years of having  surprise Apple Keynotes shovelled down our throats it makes a nice change to watch a software hardware launch that lets the tech and software and not the self inflated ego of the presenter walk the talk and finally introduce some much needed real competition into the tablet and PC ( what Macs were called before Starbucks)  worlds..

What is also great is we all know what to expect there are no Apple style infantile we gotta secret and we are not gonna tell you till we tell you aspects to this launch. 

This is being typed on Windows 8 RP, we have been using Windows 8 for the best part of a year, the magical hardware from ARM to i7 to all in ones is as we expected . And that is the thing about Windows 8 and Microsoft, they give you what you expect. You want a fast gaming tablet that plays Diablo III or Crysis 3 well you got one, no excuses , you want to write with a pen onto a 1920 1080 screen you got it , or a wall sized Windows 8 all in one with 2560 1440 res you got one if you can think of it you can even build it yourself , you got that too..

Finally someone treating you like an adult and not locking you down to their vision of what you need and how you should get it.

Currently I run 6 Windows 8 tablets, 2 with dual screens and a desktop as well as a new iPad  and Nexus 7 both of which like to stream Windows 8 Pro ..... yesterday I would have considered  the iPad obsolete because of the newer iPad ,but that is not the real reason for its lack of cool now ....for  come midnight tonight we all can finally dump iOS and Android and get with the full desktop power of Windows 8 Pro machines .

What Apple forgets and Microsoft realises is that we bought into iPad  because of touch and for a long time we tolerated its foibles and frolicked in its walled garden as well as that of Android all the while looking up at the sky waiting for the day we would be free , you know to type a document in Word, the real Word or scribble a document in Word and play Diablo III,or our 1000s of Steam games from the same touch enabled device. To be able to  connect a USB cable or device or HDMI or plug in a sd card without spending £50 a time , to watch a simple FLASH animation ... oh Appy day..... 

Whether you need a gaming rig, all in one, an Atom or ARM powered tablet with an 18
hour battery life .. or a dual screen one , Windows 8 is gonna rock ya 

From tonight those Starbucks are going to start filling up with Windows 8-istas with their i7 powered Windows 8 pro tablets or Surfaces ...The race is on to spot Johnny Ives using a Windows 8 machine ... A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!

And a significant number of Apple machine users already running Windows 8 are going to be going like hey why does my 3k costing machine not have a touch screen or stylus ?  

It is not that Windows 8 even needed to be this great, right now it is Apple who is useless at giving customers what they want. Windows 8 is Microsoft giving people what they want. 

The PC trounced the Mac historically because people , the general public and business finally had choice. So thanks Steve Jobs for creating the market over now to Steve Balmer to bring it to the 670 million PC users out there.

At the stroke of  midnight tonight every one finally gets to be free of  walled gardens ( unless you fall into the RT trap) go Pro and let freedom reign.....  

 I think today many an Apple exec will be leaping and not with joy . I did tell ya I wan` a Mac Air touch or Macbook Pro touch with OSX touch ... but hey I am just a customer right ... who would listen to me ? Well maybe Microsoft for the last 10 months who took millions of users feedback giving them what they want with Windows 8 ... And Mr Ives you should watch this because although it does not have diamond cut chamfers it is as you are often wont to say going to be A-M-A-Z-I-N-G

roll on Apple Trolls... keep rollin rollin rollin......

watch the action live here 

this content is © and originated from thegameveda  if you are reading it from any other site that has not provided a link back it has been leached 

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