Chủ Nhật, 13 tháng 7, 2014

Nintendo Wii U: Review part 2: If U havin` Wifi problems I feel bad for U son..

Nintendo, they say are a "games" company, if you really want to go deep they are actually a card game company that went via pachinko to video games developer famously being almost bought out and buried by then market leader the American company with a Japanese name Atari and instead becoming the latest Japanese company to succeed in taking the American market by storm, helped of course by our favourite Italian Plumber and gaming Ape...but them were the 80s there was at least one actor and or Cowboy in the Whitehouse , Sonny Crockett lived with a pet Alligator and the Wolverines were fighting Russians not North Koreans...

Nintendo though is not an Internet based or savvy company, not even remotely oriented that way .. and this shows with its console releases over the years..but Nintendo has a problem ,today's gamer is an Internet gamer and as such expects the device they are using whether phone tablet pc mac or games console to hook up with the Internet without issue the moment they enter their magic password..

And here the Nintendo Wii U fails, on receiving my console I rushed into gaming after having some wifi connection problems, thinking this was isolated to me ..but that was 4 days ago, right  now the web is full of stories of UK Wii U owners unable to connect to wifi .. the Wii U not having an Ethernet port does not help either .. so today I wasted time getting the console hooked to wifi ..something which on all other consoles, tablets and even some fridges is effortless.. 

And this to download all the promised features that Nintendo left out of the machine at launch.

Connection errors occur even when you have the correct password , ssid etc ..don`t go crazy thinking you have forgotten your password is the Wii U that is at fault here ..

If you have Wifi problems there is a simple manual work around ..put out there not by Nintendo ..but a member of the public here..excuse me whilst I just try it ...and you can do so without even turning your tv or monitor on .. I just did so from the Wii U GamePad even when you are solving technical issues you can continue watching Homeland on the big screen ...remember to plug in the GamePad though as the update is going to take hours.. 

Altogether this latest hiccup for the UK launch, which is even more embarrassing for Nintendo as it is a repeat of Internet connection errors first noted at the USA release almost a month  ago, is not a great advert for a new console launch from a company competing for a dwindling customer base that can do seriously better for the amount of money the Wii U + a couple of games comes to..

Over an hour and the update has not completed even though I have a 120 meg connection ..still in a few hours time I finally will be able to play Metroid Prime Trilogy on a  hmd display which I will comment on in the third part of my review ..errh latest Wii U ownership experience dissemination sermon... 

And it`s done...I got 99 problems but Wii U Wifi  ain't one...

I have to say loved the way I could do all this from the GamePad without even having to turn the tv on.. and has anyone mentioned how loud the Wii U disc drive is ? Just sayin'

All jesting aside, it is essential that Nintendo get their Internet strategy right especially in the face of stiff competition from the likes of PSN with  PlayStation Plus with instant Vita and PS3 game collections,discounts , Xbox Live which the sheep happily continue to pay for and of course PC , tablet and phone gaming.

If Nintendo give the impression that they see the Internet as something to tag on to their oh so few 1st party releases then the launch weekend may be the last good sales weekend the Wii U sees... 

this content is © and originated from thegameveda  if you are reading it from any other site that has not provided a link back it has been leached 

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