Thứ Hai, 21 tháng 7, 2014

The $2 Million Return of Chris Roberts : Star Citizen: A New Hope for Space Opera fans

Crowd sourcing has started for Chris Roberts Star Citizen, 30 days to make the $2 million needed to fund the game ... here's how things looked when I added  my $40 worth:currently the Roberts Space Industries site is  down from over use and a back up site is trying to cope ...!

This will be a day long remembered, it marks the possible  return of at least one of the brothers Roberts, to what the Roberts brothers , Chris and Erin did best : S-P-A-C-E O-P-E-R-A-AAAAAAAh! with once great acting talent and a space faring race of tiger muppets... (with whom perhaps Big Bird can seek refuge once he/she has been Romnied) ..starring in games so strong in the power of force feedback they shook the very retainers of a generation of  bedroom/cellar  PC gamers. T`was a generation to whom the word joystick truly meant something totally innocent....really..

This announcement is also seriously significant in that PC gaming is now so powerful that it binds millions of casual gamers together ready to transition from their feeble old hokey cokey console religion... no match for a PC Rig and good Soundblaster at your side kids.. to the full blown PC gaming experience. 

And that experience, part of that experience is the Space Opera Genre .. and so it has come to pass that Chris Roberts ( the movie directing inclined Roberts brah)  has chosen to return ... and in style... the web site asks you question, the answer to which any Douglas Adams fan or binary geek will have already. 

As Chris says he is the legendary creator of the Wing Commander , Privateer and later Freelancer series and has grown up designing and releasing these games .  And we have grown up playing them, have we not ? There were many reasons PC gaming tanked in the 90s:  the overblown development teams of 100s of coders ( Origin were not so much creating worlds as employing them), over ambitious design briefs and 5 years of previews of cgi game action that was never going to possible in game .. just trace the dev of Freelancer to see what I mean.

I cannot wait to get my hands on the new game, but I remember the experience of watching Freelancer devolve from epic space opera to mouse controlled dumbed down follow the coloured vapour trail sub par Elite clone...

Which is the reason my Force Feedback Pro Sidewinder whatever (the one that jumps into your hand and gives good shake) has gathered dust ...waiting ... waiting for HAT happy genres that are now returning : Space Opera with Star Citizen and Mech Sims with Hawken  

Now the question remains will we see the return of space tiger Muppets and which B grade actors is Chris taking pity on this time? 

The Wing Commander series itself is amongst the most revered of PC game series, get the cheapo versions on GOG. The actual physical boxed versions of the games are also amongst the most collectible and valuable PC games, particularly the Wing Commander Kilrathi Saga of which very few exist to day of the original limited run. 

It is great to see Chris Roberts back, let's hope that all those years of experience have led to a leaner meaner design and coding ethic and that video really is in game action as claimed and not some mock up ... 

Has Roberts Space Industries over estimated the numbers of space sim fans out there?  ...of which ... like the Riders of Rohan ...there were never many ... who knows may be they are legion like Fremen waiting for Muad`Dib... we will find out in 30 days : For all of this has happened before and all of this will happen again.

Remember if Chris fails ...there is another hope ....Erin... ! And failing that it is only a matter of time before some bright soul starts Kick Starter-ing Freespace 3... Come on Volition! 

Hawken ( which I cannot talk about except to say WOW!) and Star Citizen (silly names are mandatory for PC game classics ... it helps when mis translating them for the none existent Japanese market) are just two signs PC gaming, traditional pre core flight sim joystick and full keyboard in hand are alive and kicking :the audience never went away, it took an evolution of free to play, the rise of independent gaming,crowd sourcing and improvements in Internet speed for game delivery, the removal of obstacles like physical retail stores who refused to stock pc games and the ongoing exodus of now grown up console gamers from their dying white and black plastic toasters to the illuminated Windows 8 Quad SLI hex cored rigs they have in front of them now ..but only currently use for facebook and twitter...heck even iJustine has one now that is evolution! 

Let the good times role....the way of gaming is changing and it is nice to see a hero like Chris Roberts returning.. 

this content is © and originated from thegameveda  if you are reading it from any other site that has not provided a link back it has been leached 

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