Chủ Nhật, 13 tháng 7, 2014

Planetside 2 : Day 2 New Conglomerate Indar mass tank raiding all day and night

Yesterday I was pleasantly surprised how well the launch of Planetside 2 went. Not just the working servers,quick install and the speed it ran even with massive environments and architecture using just an Intel HD3000, but the way that there was a massive crowd of gamers all interacting, with such a large crowd you naturally tend to move away from lone wolf gaming and literally go tribal joining in massive ( I use that word a lot when it comes to Planetside 2) assaults and raids on your I ended up doing today in a tank raid... did I say tank raid , I meant land and air assault with jetpacking soldiers , armoured heavy soldiers , cloaked snipers , 3 wheel hog driving scouts , medics and more you can tell from the video below . 

All in all my 2nd day of play really  drove home how simply awesome PC gaming can be .. 

Whilst embedded with my fellow New Conglomerate faction ( think Firefly rebels but wearing more yellow) I managed to some more snaps to convey some of the majesty of this game .. 

First I thought I would check out some of the architecture on Indar : 

I also got a little better at flying .. lasting almost a minute before my usual Kamikazi routine ..banzaiiiii!...

I was in game primarily to test how the game ran on my hardware when I started noticing tanks mustering... 

naturally I had to follow and pretty soon I was part of a massive  air and land assault sweeping everything before it ... 

as we approached the enemy base the sun began to set ..with dusk approaching ...

sans tank at this point but soon that would change ..base after base fell ( this is my war story ....for the actual sequence of events watch the video above) any way base after base fell:

into the night .. attacking,supporting defending with an army of people all doing the same .. PC gaming and gaming in general does not get much better than this...

And that is the power of Planetside 2  with it`s massive battles,massive architecture and landscapes, this is a game you are going to want to sit around the twitter or facebook fire and tell (tall) tales of your great battles and victories..however small your actual contribution ...the game still makes you feel part of a that collective achievement or loss.. as a result you are more likely to come back and play again seeking more material for your next Planetside 2 war story ... which I will be doing again tomorrow... see you Planetside... sign up for the game here .. and yes console fans it really is free... 

this content is © and originated from thegameveda  if you are reading it from any other site that has not provided a link back it has been leached 

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