Thứ Bảy, 26 tháng 7, 2014

Nintendo Wii U : the end of Nintendo is nigh....

Much as I want to see Nintendo succeed I fear the Nintendo Wii U will be the last console hardware it produces...

The gaming verse is in flux, evolving from a still pupa to a freaking cloud surfing free butterfly , gamers everywhere set free by so much choice, so many options. For the first time in your gaming life there are more games than you can actually find time to play in your  life ( and still be classed as human) ..

Part of this evolution is the death of the old, the shedding of old gaming practices.  With the Wii U Nintendo is paying for years of failing to adapt to changes in gaming, ignoring advances, dictating to it's audience.

The love for Nintendo, has been transferred, the core gamer running to other consoles and casual gamers getting their kicks on tablets and phones  with both running to the PC and soon Windows 8 for real gaming..

The iPhone 5 some say is over priced under powered runs a closed eco system that offends many , it is currently selling out of pre orders. 

The Nintendo Wii U some say is over priced , under powered runs the oldest closed first party eco system of any video games system , it is going to fail and eventually end Nintendo as a hardware manufacturer .

The Wii U is Nintendo's Sega Dreamcast moment. The Dreamcast had one of the strongest first and third party game catalogues and a mass following and still failed. The Wii U is launching at a time where people are seriously considering that consoles including the PS3 ,360 and their distant successors are dead as a gaming platform altogether.

The Wii U has no market , not in 2012 , there are millions of iOS and Android Gamers , tens of millions if not 100s of millions of PC gamers and on none of those devices do we see Nintendo ever making a mark or holding the slightest presence. 

The sad thing about the Wii U is it will probably also be a final do not resuscitate warning for  already near death specialist game retail. And if retail thinks it will rescue itself using sales of Wii U .. well good luck with that if your livelihood depends on it. 

Solutions? Well like Sony and Microsoft, Nintendo are going to have to adapt or disappear. Except in the case of Nintendo it is too late, they have since the 80s relied on a few staple brands, a few or may be even one sole legendary games designer of note. They created and exploited the original walled garden eco system, but that model of profit making has run it's course. Just as it did for Sega, their original competition Atari and it is also doing for Sony and Microsoft and will eventually even for Apple..

What Nintendo needed to do in this day and age is simply create the most awesome tablet and forgo the console under the tv format altogether. They needed a N64 moment where at least some of their hardware was ahead of the competition. 

Or they needed to do something even more radical ...just move to the cloud and stream all their back catalogue to all their competitors devices ...

Nintendo need  to invade all the other walled gardens from a position of strength , so Nintendo software on everything from Android, iOS , to Windows 8 and the other consoles . Sega is trying this but it is doing so from a now weak position where no one gives flying Sonic or Tora Tora Tora anymore about it's games . Witness the awesome Jet Set Radio HD remake .. it will sell less than most boring apps on iOS and Android platforms.. 

The total cost of  a Wii U with the games you want, extra controllers  will easily approach or exceed that of upcoming Windows 8 tablets , iPads , Android tablets and of course present gen consoles from Sony and Microsoft.. 

There is absolutely nothing that Nintendo can bring to the table, other than sequels to first party titles, or parallel versions of last years 3rd party titles. It should be blatantly obvious that this hardware is going to fail , and that when Bowzer runs off with Peach this time .. it really will be for the last time on dedicated Nintendo hardware.. 

Oh and if you are worried about exclusives like Bayonetta 2 only appearing on Wii U , don't it will be on every console going eventually whether the Wii U succeeds or more than likely fails .. 

Nintendo must move software on other platforms , even if it is a temporary act to grab market share and penetration back from competitors. Consider what would sell more .. Pikmin 3 on Wii U , or Pikmin 3 on iOS , Android , Windows 8 ,Steam , PSN and Xbox live ..... ?  This is not unprecidented for Nintendo has release Mario and Zelda titles on completely unsuccessful rival hardware like the Philips CDi and even DOS/Windows why not unleash its presence onto succesful platforms like those I mentioned .... and save itself .. ? 

Once Nintendo is established on rival platforms it would then in be in a far better position to launch radically different hardware and migrate those users away from it's rivals to continue their Nintendo fix on Nintendo hardware. 

Right now there is simply nothing to tempt gamers away from their already too full gaming dance cards.

The indie game development market is so vibrant this is where your core and casual gamer will look for the next killer app .. and you won't be accessing those through whatever passes for Nintendos store this time with Wii U and by the time you are if you are everyone will have moved on to the next big thing any way .. 

this content is © and originated from thegameveda  if you are reading it from any other site that has not provided a link back it has been leached 

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