Thứ Bảy, 12 tháng 7, 2014

Asymmetric Multi Cloud gaming : Crossing Splashtop THD on Android with Onlive PC streams to play everything everywhere

You are used to streaming your music or films every where on any device , but what about your far more expensive PC games collection .. would it not be great to take that with you without having to reinstall or risk mocca chocca latte death of your expensive gaming laptop or newly mortgaged Apple device  at your favourite tax evading coffee emporium? Would you not like to exploit the power of  that 10K gaming rig you have currently doing torrent duty whilst you are (rarely) out and about in the sun or cold cruel winter fog ....?

Well thanks to the cloud you now can, thanks to what I likes to call Asymmetric Multi Cloud gaming

Asymmetric because we are going to use a tiny cheap low cost £159  (but excellent  ) device the Google Nexus 7  to play AAA games from a larger more expensive laptop and from even more powerful gaming servers..

Multi Cloud because  we are going to use said Laptop to play AAA games with 0 install time ,at speeds and detail impossible for it using  the onlive cloud service . Then we are going to use Splashtop THD cloud streaming service to provide a control overlay and beam the onlive games  running on  PC ( which have no touch controls in onlive as of yet) to the Google Nexus 7 in the palm of our hands and play them anywhere...

Why use one cloud when you can use two ?! I love cloud gaming  , it is the reason I picked up my first Android tablet this year , the awesome Google Nexus 7 which would allow me to mess with Splashtop THD and onlive .  The former, which  has only recently been activated for the Nexus 7 , allows you to stream AND play ( not just watch or broadcast) any PC game from your gaming PC of choice.

The Nexus 7, is a beautiful tablet to game on, primarily because of the insanely cheap price, but also because of that screen ratio, the 1280 by 800 res games just look amazing on it when streamed and it has the perfect weight and balance take a look see below 

First lets check out how simply playing games directly using Splashtop THD from my Lenovo X220T works out.. in these tests my laptop is 3 floors away from the Google Nexus 7 ...

Here is how amazing Hitman Absolution looks on the Google Nexus 7

Far Cry 3

Sine Mora

Planetside 2

Now all of these examples actually use the cpu and gpu grunt of your laptop or PC/Apple thing ..there is a far better way of playing though and that is by crossing Splashtop THD and onlive streams :  I love the idea of onlive , it is the reason I bought my Google Nexus 7 the first Android tablet or device I have owned. The promise of full PC gaming anywhere is pretty is awesome ,but onlive have been slow to introduce touch controls for tablets with only LA Noire really attempting to wow tablet cloud gaming fans. And then it came to me as my hardware struggled to stream and run Planetside 2 in the above example ...why not Splastop THD stream an onlive  stream ? Doing so means your PC uses very little resources, Splashtop THD allows you to create a touch control layout for all the games you still do not have them for on onlive ..and these are the results: All these games were only playable with external joypads and mice etc but the dream of every cloud gamer is to have optimised touch controls as good as the real thing ...dream I said! Splashtop THD puts on the bus and sets us on that road ..and I am firmly confident I will make it there with you too.. unless the Jokers henchmen get me again :

Batman Arkham City

Aliens Vs Predator Predator Mission

Aliens Vs Predator Marine Mission

Darksiders 2 demo

Assassin's Creed Revelations  

I can see a time in the very near future where developers optimise their games for cloud and streaming play , as tablets and phones continue to dominate even if they are eventually Windows 8 Pro tablets , you as a power user or even casual will not want to waste the power of your device playing AAA games or install /download terabytes of your Steam collection on each device .. and if Steam want to move our gaming collections they will have to incorporate the option to stream games into their services or Gabe sorry dude you will have missed the Big Picture ...which is actually a small picture and is asymmetric , multi cloud and right here in the palm of my cold Google Nexus 7 holding hands... 

this content is © and originated from thegameveda  if you are reading it from any other site that has not provided a link back it has been leached 

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