En Garde !
It`s a great day when you get to present not one but 4 tablets , the CEO of ASUS should be rightly proud of his company . The Asus keynote earlier this week was not like rival presentations concentrating on one product built with off the shelf vanilla tech with oh so last year Tegra 2 chipsets +/- the Tron Evo laced UI that Google calls Honeycombe or the Biblically monikered and plagued Eden OS... No Asus is doing something different wisely casting its nets far and wide:
One 4 all and all 4 one ............. The Eee Pad is not one slate it is 4! Transformer, Slider, MeMO and Eee Slate EP121:
What Asus have done is tune and evolve the tablet form factor with the evolving needs of the tablet audience , for we have outgrown our fun large screen ipods , we want the functionality of a pc in a slate , a high end pc,running a full desktop OS , or we want a smaller mobile slate , and one you can write on..with a pen ! or we want freedom from iOS but not from apps i.e we want the promise of Android Honeycombe slates . To their great merit Asus has catered for all audiences and this their Four tablet Musketeer riposte to Apple and the iPad dominated slate sector is really more likely to succeed than any other company to date.A year on into using tablets , there are millions of people who actually want to do something productive with them other than catapult elastic banded Aves Iratus , we want and demand the power AND the freedom of a high end PC in the slate form factor.
Unlike other softer competition who have struggled to even get to the preorder stage for their wunder tablets, with Asus behind the manufacture , and design you know the Eee Pad series is going to be mass produced ,widely available and you can already order the flagship , ASUS Eee Slate EP121-1A011M 12.1-Inch Tablet PC and ASUS Eee Slate EP121-1A010M 12.1-Inch Tablet PC , that's an i5 cpu running full Windows 7 , with a key board dock that actually makes it a laptop and not a vanity mirror with a faux keyboard that many rivals end up looking like. It is if it works out , the first real slate that qualifies as a laptop replacement.
Don`t believe the hype! Windows 7 is a great slate OS : How do I know ?
I am writing this on a Joojoo running Windows 7 Ultimate , with 4gb of Ram and a 64 Gb ssd , there is no of the lag or slowdown , touch is responsive , all the aero fx work,flash full screen hd video (which many blogs claimed couldn't be done , anything I can do on my desktop I can do with Windows 7 on this slate,short of run Crysis maxed out , Windows 7 is infinitely more useful than any of the sub os app based iOS or Android slates , all this with a 1.6ghz Atom CPU , I cannot wait to try out a fully powered i5 or i7 slate like the EP121 as the one thing I cannot swap out from the Joojoo is the motherboard/cpu , but who knows ?
The freedom you will gain with Windows 7 a full OS running on a slate so outdoes the novelty of a gimped phone OS or Tronified [the wrong Tron at that] UI that Honeycombe turned out to be
The price of Asus Eee Slate is so close to what the high end iPad 2 will be, infact it is seriously cheaper than my present iPad with all the dongles , whilst at the same time packing more punch than high end MacbookPros , and Macbooks and undercutting them by say $1000 that this could signal the end of the net book vs laptop vs slate argument .
It is likely that one or all of the 4 Asus Tablet Musketeers will defeat the iPad 2 and millions will be freed from their iOS shackles....
Watching the keynote I believe it will most likely be the D`Artagnan or Dogtangan of the bunch : the ASUS Eee Slate EP121-1A010M 12.1-Inch Tablet PC
and here is Mr Johnny Shih showing you how and why...
This public announcement has been brought to you thanks to the genius of Alexandre Dumas , Dogtanian and the Muskahounds
and of course ASUS