In a week where another young coder geohot has been courted by Microsoft , there maybe signs of this already happening . Society needs to nurture and harness talent. Traditional game development cannot satiate the ever increasing video games audience or keep them interested in sequels ad infinitum .
The emergence of iOS , Android and now Google Apps and Windows 7 mobile as open development platforms is absolutely vital to keep the video games industry going and evolving. Or games development will be locked into the cycle of sequelitis , with ever increasing budgets and team sizes which eventually are shut down as profits fall .
Game development is in part talent and genius , you cannot buy that with a budget or large dev team , all the great softcos with millions in man hours and resources did not come up with Angry Birds , and they certainly did not come up with a game that could knock the mighty Angry Birds off its perch , that game is Bubble Ball , all a 14 year old Robert Nay's genius . And that people is simply inspirational...
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