Thứ Năm, 13 tháng 11, 2014

Darkspore Beta on Steam played with touch

This week everyone gets to join in the Darkspore Beta on Steam , just remember to have your EA account details ready , which you will have set up last week in anticipation for Crysis 2 , I knew there was a reason that game came out on the pc.....

I should be trying this out on my gaming pc , but I really don't play on the old Dreadnought any more , so I am  trying it out on a joojoo first as since iPad , touch is the way to play for me  : check out the videos . These are my first playthroughs  so I am really testing how touch works with the game , and it turns out not bad at all . The game itself shows promise , any Diablo fans out there will feel right at home , as will those fond of white lab coats and cloning sheep....

If you are into micromanagement of any sort , you are going to love designing shimmering beasties and messing literally with their DNA , pairing different types , switching just at the right time in battle , Darkspore it seems is made up of the perfect mix of  game design nucleotides , just the right combination to get you addicted . 

Technically the  Darkspore engine is very impressive as you can see from me playing with a great  level of detail on a tablet pc,every part of the screen is alive ,the only static pixels being those on the menu , NB the ion gpu in the joojoo I am using is pretty impressive . Darkspore is another game that I will play using a tablet  , touch  just makes you feel more powerful!!!! And my multi monitor gaming rig ? well it edits my joojoo  YouTube videos  very fast ....

You gotta love Steam , when you get your Windows 7 or Mac tablet all your games are ready to play as my continuing exploration of  tablet gaming shows ... 

Now if I could just get the developers to include optimised  control options for multi touch ....

this content is © and originated from thegameveda  if you are reading it from any other site that has not provided a link back it has been leached 

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