Thứ Sáu, 28 tháng 11, 2014

onlive brings 2 weeks of free stream instant gratification no installs games and demos

Wow now this is new a window open on my desktop , with  buttons I click to instantly play full retail games , not on my uber pc , but out there somewhere 2nd star to the right on some server being stress tested for the next two weeks . Pretty much all the expensive hardware in my PC has just been rendered moot by the promise of onlive.

So to Steam or Stream ? Well it certainly is novel to just click and have a game open up without downloading , or waiting , or even really going through all the thought processes associated with what to do whilst waiting for said download . Now I just don't care how big a game is , I can just click and it will launch , fascinating , liberating . This is something totally new , for as someone with 100s of Steam games, and around 30 years of others knocking around , this is frankly the beginning of arm chair game surfing , just like channel surfing 100s of tv programs , I can now start to approach games in the same way .  

Now you can check ANY game demo on the service instantly no more waiting seconds for your 300 MB connection to download the data , well if you are in Korea that is ! 

You may have a monster game collection , but you never have time to install reinstall , etc now do you ? And what about the hard disk space , well fugedaboutit all those worries as onlive promises to do away with those now ancient problems . 

Onlive could offer a cure for my addiction of buying or rather collecting Steam games but never bothering to play them as I cannot be bothered to download them , and even more addictive rush of getting something cheap in the sales .

Whoooah taking a moment here to breathe, is this the end to endless pc and mac hardware upgrades or fanboi arguments ,gaming where the only thing that matters is your Internet connection ?

And you could take your Onlive dongle anywhere where there is a fast enough connection and play full retail games anywhere there is a hdtv , most of which now come with built in wifi modems . 

All of this gameplay shattering game changing promise hinges on one small tiny question....Does it work? Well I am going to find out 

For the next two weeks onlive is free , so if you have an Internet connection that can handle it , go for it , I wonder how fast Crysis will run? Will the big boys and girls desert Steam ? You can see EA and Actiblizzard milking a system like onlive , where you no longer buy Fifa or Call of Duty but you subscribe  , like a phone contract ! But all that nonsense is yet to come ....

And for now  tomorrow I will be testing onlive not on my uber desktop , but my folly of last year Joojoo Windows 7 and Toshiba Libretto tablets ...... Seriously this will let me know if a lowly  netbook can now provide the same gaming experience my uber desktop or your high end gaming laptops do , you gotta love progress now don't cha!

here is the email being sent to onlivers , come on join the party test this thing on anything that can run it!

still here? go sign up here and tell them 3ch3l0n and thegameveda sent you..... 

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