Thứ Năm, 20 tháng 11, 2014


Tired of that 360 nojoypad ? PC fans your time is now , right now Steam servers are crashing as thegameveda and millions of other Crytek fans download the PC demo of Crysis  2 , do not fret tis a tiny download by today's standards so you will have it soon ,,, just as soon as me and the other million infront of you finish ....

later 5120 1600 screens and tomorrow Crysis 2 running on the joojoo ! and maybe even Toshiba Libretto ..... 

buy Crysis 2 here 

first impressions:
Well it is 5 am and thegameveda and half of Europe are up playing the game....

the demo flies at 2560 by 1600 , run at Hardcore settings , you can tell they optimised for this setting. It is nice how PC games launch these days working on existing hardware , not like the old days , where you got to install the game , but had to wait 2 to 3 years before your hardware could run the menu screen .... at 25 fps ....

Unsurprisingly the gameplay on PC far outshines the joypad frenzy of the console versions. 

At 5120 by 1600 the Peer level runs impressively fast, so fast in fact that I could happily play the single player campaign at this res , the Skyline level needs optimisation for extreme resolutions  . The game is not yet fully optimised for beyond 2560 by 1600. Then again Crytek are hardly known for squeezing the most out of current hardware , they will expect the next gen of GPUS to tackle the higher resolutions. Still the engine is way more refined than the old Crysis one . How do I know this  , because for the last hour I have been playing Crysis 2 on the ion /atom powered joojoo.   You would expect all the textures , and detail to go missing with bland low res shapes and colours replacing the high res ones , Crysis 2 is having none of that , even at 800 by 600 the game looks pretty fine  on the joojoo.  

Well I could not resist showing it running on the Joojoo , not that it is supposed to ! there is a dire start up warning re the ion gpu , which I chose to ignore. So here are some teasers it its too late to film , here so that will follow tomorrow . Meanwhile here are some teaser shots : sorry thegameveda needs three hands to film take pictures and play at the same time! And sleep....

this content is © and originated from thegameveda  if you are reading it from any other site that has not provided a link back it has been leached 

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