Thứ Tư, 1 tháng 10, 2014

Batman Arkham City rave reviews unmask Catwoman DLC ...some will pay for and others will wait to download but the wise will just click and play

A Closer Look at the Gritty Batman: Arkham City

Another reason to own the Onlive version of Batman Arkham Asylum,   probably the game of the year so far .. starring Batman ... is the fact that you will never have to wait for DLC  downloads to complete  , just shove that ancient 360 or PS3 aside , set up the tiny console , or power up that netbook and click on and play , your game is there faster than downloading a video of a speeding bullet fast as the little dog running circles around the big dog in that youtube video... you get the metaphor ..well Scooby and Shaggy would I am sure...

Yes a funny thing is going to happen to thegameveda , having preordered Batman Arkham Asylum the onlive version , it is going to be tres cool to click on the game and play,  as onlive promises no 20gb install or scratched dvds or blurays for my gaming generation! If your Internet connections too slow well pack your bags and we can all move to South Korea , or Japan ... wonder if they have onlive out there ...doh...!

In an age where the Unreal Engine can run in Flash , it is high time developers devoted as much thought to how their games are installed , patched and delivered . Theoretically Batman Arkham CIty could run in a browser through Flash , as could any recent Unreal Engine based game .... 

The coolest thing about Rocksteady is that they allowed their AAA game to release through the magic of onlive , oh and it kills the used game lost sales debate dead too , there is nothing to resell , and 1 yr from now the game will be cheaper than used retail , eg Bordlerlands can be had for £1.75 on onlive this weekend , and the profit from that goes back to Rocksteady , rather than 100% going to a retailer  after first depriving some poor kid of one of their favourite games in order to resell it ... But retailers fret not , though it is time to adapt or die.

What we really need is synergy , the publishers of Deus Ex in the USA attempted this , including physical , steam key and onlive key versions of the game in one retail box. Now if you could pull that off again without some dodgy retail chain antics then you would make a lot of fans for your games . 

Take me I would have the Steam version to play on a gaming rig maxed out over 5120 by 1600 or more . With cloud based saves I could then continue playing on a tablet or tv using Onlive , and all parties would benefit , the retail chain , Steam and Onlive ....synergy .... as they say ...

check out the Gametrailers review and metacritic scores 

get the standard versions and limited editions from Game and Zavvi in the UK

this content is © and originated from thegameveda  if you are reading it from any other site that has not provided a link back it has been leached 

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