So how then to stress test the Wifi N modem in mine Lenovo X220T ? But of course Herr Professor I hear you say using an IE9 browser window to play Dead Space 2 instantly using Herr Perry`s shiny new Gaikai ...
Dead Space 2 as you can see is quite the impressive demo for Gaikai , it is the most stable , and the most graphically intact and impressive of the Gaikai demos . .you can easily play this in full screen ... you can also play with Pen on the Lenovo X220T
Look at the video and you will see the Pen is never touching the screen ! wait till I splice one of these with one of my fingers! Cyberpunk yay... This discovery calls for testing some classic Jedi Knight games ...
On another note this being a weekend of free Brink play , I was shocked to realise that the game cannot run on integrated gpu laptops ... or if it can I cannot be bothered to work around ... but using streaming and cloud based services it could run on any device instantly... so why bother getting the Steam version ....and publishers why bother limiting yourself to Steam and the minority core gamer market when using streaming you can play the most high spec game on the lowliest of netbooks or tablets ( even iOS and Android!) ? Gaikai and onlive are the only true evolution in gaming in a decade ..changing where how and when you play ... ..let freedom reign! .... all the rest ... all the rest is just hardware.....
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