Thứ Bảy, 25 tháng 10, 2014

L A Noire the case of the console killing game Chapter 6 : Cole get`s promoted to PC this Fall!but why no Kinect and Move DLC?

Maintaining momentum from console sales , or a very real indication of a failing console market , Rockstar have given in to releasing L A Noire  on the platform that is most suited for it`s style of play namely the PC ... 

An there in lies the rub , with a stagnant ageing failing console market , games developers and publishers ignore the PC and other platforms at their own peril .L A Noire is more memorable for overheating ageing consoles than it`s pretty decent game.A game that during its multi million dollar development ( most of which went on modelling dress and suit material correctly) somehow managed to miss using Kinect for the  Xbox 360 ( to put you in the game , do the clue searching, and interrogation technique ...erhh like pointing at a virtual notebook/clue,searching a body or crime scene , or getting heavy handed gesticulating and slapping a hysterical suspect or two ...Airplane style..or just putting your hat on !or taking it off to impress a dame or three) or for that matter L A Noire missed using the Move on Playstation 3 again for all sorts of things it could have.... but hey ours is not to reason why.... Quantic Dream managed it with Heavy Rain so why not Rockstar with LA Noire... just a patch is all it takes...

Once long ago over sized and over budgeted teams of coders hundreds in size laboured on the next great PC game,all those great teams are gone now , remember Origin ...ask grandad?  Today we have the same over sized and budgeted teams directed at console development  and they are starting to produce diminishing returns ...  and they have to look other platforms to recoup the publishers investment ...  eventually like the Origins of old , to days uber coding houses will fail.

In their day Origin games used to come on around 50 floppies , or 10 cd roms , need $4000 ( in today's money to run) .. and be released bugged to hell , L A Noire is just the noughties equivalent  ... but on console and later PC.

In an age where a small team of coders can have a game  like Empire And Allies reach 33 million people , a game which you do no even notice the size of , or actually pay for , and are probably playing right now on Face Book on your tablet , phone ,laptop or desktop ... does development heavy bloatware like L A Noire have any real place any more in your life...? And therefore are today`s  over sized over budgeted and over stressed development teams like Rockstar ( and Infinity Ward for that matter) just on their way to going the way of Lord British , Origin , and all those now ancient developers of yore ...

Video game culture is now is in such a rich state , that like the rest of the art world , it can be full of great masterpieces  that we never experience . There are  great musical works , paintings , classic films etc , that we know of , but are only on the periphery of our day to day lives ..that we never experience. 

We used to play EVERY game released , we do not read EVERY book released , see EVERY painting /work of Art or every band /musical performance. Today there is so much out there   in the world of games ( much of it free and more social than ever before ) that we can be picky ..effete like all those other arty snobs or simply video gaming has reached the state where it has wonderful works of art like L A Noire that many know of but cannot be bothered to  or feel the need to check out or experience .  We do not NEED to play everything any more . And this is a very good sign of maturity for the video games medium ,  for the games fan and a warning sign for publishers looking at diminishing returns based on old revenue return models.

What happens next ? Find out  with thegameveda in  L A Noire  Chapter 7: the game developer killing game ...? And you know what by that time thegameveda will be using Kinect to play it on the PC !  And maybe just maybe wonder of wonders there will be a patch to allow Kinect and Move control on the Xbox 360 and the Playstation 3 .... a development that I will gladly tip my hat in respect to ...hopefully using Kinect or Move!

get L A Noire in the UK from Game and Zavvi and L A Noire in the USA from Amazon

this content is © and originated from thegameveda  if you are reading it from any other site that has not provided a link back it has been leached 

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