Thứ Tư, 31 tháng 12, 2014

Playstation Move available to preorder now avoid nvidious game specialist monkeys

I just moved all my E3 2010 game and hardware pre orders away from traditional  game retail specialists

Use your freedom to chose who you preorder from !

This coming gaming season  will be the most awkward for gamesfans , as everything will be out of stock in traditional games retailers that cannot afford to stock items , employ completely useless sales staff  more concerned with hording than selling ,  and still use payment methods that prevent a vast amount of customers actually placing an order online or in store.

There is hope , just use non games specialists :

 The most reliable preorder source is Amazon , ie one that is not manned by nvidious and underworked overpaid Gleek club rejects , well at least in the UK !
 When you want your rare game stuff and you don't want to be asked why you wanna buy it , lectured about how the poor retail monkey cannot afford to buy it [ cos their parents are charging too much rent or they would not have enough money for beer sob sob ] , or asked where you get your money from just preorder it from Amazon !  

If you want to be sure of getting Kinect , Xbox 360 slim , Playstation move or any of the Limited Edition games we see at E3 avoid traditional retailers , to avoid the inevitable disappointment , come September their underworked over staffed stores will be hording the stock that you have gone through the effort of preordering 

This happened for the original release of the Xbox 360 , this will happen for masses of hardware and software exclusives that we see at E3 , in fact this may be one of the major reasons games sales have taken a tumble - the demand is there but the sales ie traditional retail end is failing , cf itunes and apps, and Steam  where there is no third party retailer sales are sky rocketing
So yes nvidious retail monkeys at traditional retail outlets are damaging the world economy and are the ultimate rate limiting step in the progress on the video games industry , in fact replace all retail monkeys with E3  booth babes may be the only hope for traditional retailers!

As long as they have no interest in games or  hording the product , games sales will rise , at present traditional games retail uses games addicts to sell games , is it any surprise those addicted to games never want to see them leave the store?

All the hard work that is going into promoting the games industry at E3 2010 is wasted when the customer walks into the retail store this Autumn to be confronted by the usual retail experience .

So this fall/autumn shun the traditional retailers , and :

For an nvidious retail monkey free shopping experience , just click below and place your preorder 

You know come September your local retail monkey will be flicking their emo hair and zits at you whilst claiming your preorded item was not , sent , whilst nudging it under the counter or hiding it in the stock room , guarded by other Gleeks ready to offload them on the net , to fund their latest beer fest.
 UK fans

USA fans :

E3 2010 is unique because for the first time they have us pre ordering stuff months in advance make sure those orders are with someone you trust. More and more these are non game specialists .

Today video games represent  the most valuable entertainment industry in the world .You the customer , the games fan are what makes the games industry run , exercise your power send a message to the old now failing game specialist retailers, and order from different sources . Its time your local retailer started treating you with respect , and that begins with eliminating the dire retail experience that exists today , that dire retail experience is a significant danger to  the games industry's future.


The Cloud sounds the death knell of Software and video games piracy

The need to combat software piracy and the billions in lost revenue to it  will drive companies to the Cloud with profound changes for our way of consuming digital media.

Steam and iTunes D2D PSN and XBox Arcade have done much to combat piracy, through throwing kudos onto downloading games legitimately ,  but the problem remains  games and data still need to be downloaded ,and as long as there is local storage of  data piracy will continue.

But the pirates days are numbered : 

Video games, and other software will very soon be entirely hosted and run on cloud , with nothing to download ,  there is nothing for a pirate to pirate  , no torrent , no warez ,and nothing to crack ,  all piracy ends the day our games and operating systems are hosted on and run from the cloud . 

Access to the cloud service is what will be sold to the user , access through Steam Itunes , PSN , XBox live and major players like Google , Amazon , and Microsoft have been preparing cloud services for several years now. 

Further the devices that use cloud games and software , including operating systems , will no longer need hard disks , eliminating bulk and reducing hardware costs  , data streaming acceleration will come into play as important as GPU and CPU acceleration is today.  

Cloud based activation of games , will be hardcoded into the Bios of the games machines and computers , so even if the data of the game is leaked , as always happens it will be useless without a cloud based machine to run it , the data itself is tagged to look for use outside a real users account.

Ubisoft  already use their highly effective  deterrent always connected to the Internet DRM ,  but pirates can still hack the local data , now imagine the game itself sitting in the Ubisoft Cloud and all you have on your end is the security check , in that scenario the pirate cannot get to the game data  , there will never be a torrent to download , and for legitimate users there will never be the need to download 17 gigs of game . You play instantly .

Our concept of owning digital media and software will have to change  but even more radically our concept of owning hardware will change . Instead of buying a £3000 gaming machine , or a £300 games console we will buy access to the Sony , Microsoft , Apple or Nintendo Cloud , casuals making micropayments and hardcore gamers opting for monthly or yearly contracts , even lifetime subscriptions . 

So the future  Playstation or Xbox  may not be a console at all  , it may just be access to the Sony or Microsoft Cloud , with ALL their back catalogue digitally streaming , come to think of it the big industry figures could move out of hardware altogether , so buying a subscription to the Google/Microsoft /Sony /Nintendo Cloud , could let you stream their software to multiple devices  from phones tablets consoles to pcs and macs , [well Steve probably won`t allow that last one] .As the OS and game are both hosted on the relevant cloud , there is no need to care about selling or manufacturing hardware , you can use the same console to have access to all your favourite game Clouds 

The money in games comes from games, eliminate the hardware and you eliminate the 4 or 5 years of loss making before you start turning a profit as per XBox 360  and PS3. 

This is a brave frontier who ever embraces it successfully  will make what iTunes and Steam have done look amateur by comparison.

There are whispers of an Apple Cloud replacing syncing woes for all your iTunes purchases , how long before Sony Microsoft and Nintendo see the silver lining to Cloud computing , and when this happens  remember we have the humble software pirates to thank for it....

Download Moon Base Alpha thank NASA and STEAM live out some Moon Base Alpha Space 1999 fantasises for free!

Fans of Moon Basing and Space Exploration  have been bitterly disappointed on the reality and game front for decades , in the 60s a nice Irishman spoke about going to the moon and other planets as well as doing the other things , 1999 came and went and there was no  Koenig commanded Eagle Lander operated Moon Base , as I was promised as a child , in the 80`s the Purple one sang about the cost of sending people to the moon [His best album] and lo a couple of decades later one of his fans now in the Oval office withdrew all funding for sending people to the moon . But all is not lost : 

Get to Steam and download this gift from NASA, a free sim of what Moonbasing would be like .......yeah really !....  You have to consider with all the drastic NASA budget cuts whether there is a bit of reverse psychology going on with this release ,a salvo from NASA to their old funding source ? As it is to make the sim accurate , i.e not science fiction ,  all you need to do is replace the flags/insignias/astronauts with those of India , China , Russia and or Japan and or if you are a follower of William Gibson  Rastafari . The reality is space travel and bases such as this if they are to involve USA input will require , cooperation with other now emerging space powers as well as  private enterprise ,so roll on the Mega Corps ! Until the Vulcans arrive and Cochran wakes up from his latest alco fuelled stupor but in the meantime you can follow the now fading dream of going to the moon and other planets ,with this awesome free gift from NASA 

check  out the absolute awesomeness below  and write to your congressmen now people for better training in languages that you will need to travel to the moon with [Chinese Hindi Russian Rasta etc] or a better way to fund NASA .

NASA itself should seek private funding, after all 12 million people pay money every month to waste time on just 1 MMORPG , Millions more are slave to PSN and XBOX Live  . Why not get these  people to subscribe to NASA and have their names written in history as pioneers of space exploration ! Instead of casting x on y with z for 2000 AP , you could actually be funding the future of man , Sony got gamers to contribute to science with Folding , PC users already contribute to SETI , so how about evolving this to allow actual funding of NASA and International Space projects  removing the government funding shackles altogether. 

Moon Base Alpha is of course just one awesome free Space sim , you will of course be familiar with zero gravity simulation walking/fighting in your home/school playground /college dorm,and 
for those less dedicated there is the excellent ORBITER , totally free and constantly updated , very handy if you find yourself on a Space Shuttle and the pilot has just discovered an allergy to the in flight combo meal or turns out to be some James Bond villain from the 80s .......

for those who collect games involving the final frontier:


Deus Ex is X and to celebrate you get 75% off the Deus Gotyr and collection

Get over to steam and download now, Deus Ex is possibly the best pc game ever written , certainly the best game involving the Illuminati , shades , leather trench coats and the greatest game to date by our hero Warren Spector , honestly if you think fallout 3 , oblivion and mass effect are indications of how RPGs should play , you need to play this masterpiece , and it can take 4 weeks ! So go on this will be the best 2.79 you will spend all year And Happy Birthday Denton , roll on Deus Ex 3 ! Oh and for your 2.79 you will also get some game called deus ex invisible war

Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker + Metal Gear Solid 3 Subsistence

So Hideos been doing the rounds , and to honour Kojima san why not play through Metal Gear Solid 3 Subsistence and Peace Walker 

For collectors own the prequel and then the sequel , from the very first HALO jump to Outer Haven , get ready for bandanna beach parades and send in the clones!

is it me or does Snake have a Gilbert and Sulivan Pirates of Penzance vibe ?Arrrggh Jim Lad........ 

Back to the cold War.......

Collectors buy  Metal Gear Solid 3 Subsistence + Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker now from thegameveda ebid store 

or buy directly from the google checkout cart below 

if you can bare the wait preorder  metal gear rising


Thứ Ba, 30 tháng 12, 2014

TRANSFORMERS WAR FOR CYBERTRON comes with the gift of a not for sale StarScream

I scream you scream we all scream for Starscream !!!!

In the UK , Transformers War for Cybertron , the best use of the Unreal 3 engine this year , so far! comes with a free transformable Star Scream , note Phd in mechanical alien robot transformation , or ages less than 12 recommended for those trying to transform the thing , small hands help !

so in my World Cup fuelled haze of lack of games playing , Transformers War for Cybertron has been an unexpected surprise , more games played in between matches to follow.Note in these stressful times video  games are needed between matches ,especially those that do not require much thought  , well that narrows the field down then doesn't it !Transformers War For Cybertron is just one game keeping me calm over usual  World Cup 2010 foul ups .

Robots in ......wooah that was handball Mr Uraguaian! 4 - 1 to Germany , goal line technology , what  ,what ,glad I watched that 2 hours of gaming time waisted!  oh well there's always be Brazil and  2018 when it will be in Russia......... za Zdorovie!

Get your Transformers War for Cybertron with StarScream figure for PS3 , Xbox 360 or Wii or DSi

Incidentally the greatest transformers game is the old Melbourne House coded game for the PS2 : 

and some genius has listed Transformers Beast Wars Transmetals for $1,199.99

Xbox 360 slims are being sold missing functioning hard drives???

Just opened and started my new xbox 360 slim the most striking feature IS IT HAS NO HARD DRIVE a nice NO STORAGE media message displays when you check the storage info or try to install a game ,also there is no updating as there is NO HARD DRIVE , although on Microsofts new wonder I can play games off the USB stick ,all 6meg of them that I used to transfer all my game data from my trusty old elite which was traded in today for my new xbox 360 slim , seems slim means no hard drive ,I am going to be contacting uncle BIll over this So what is going on is this another US giant fouling up Apple , now Microsoft, is this another eg of low paid far eastern employees acting out the only way they can? I am not one happy games fan today , I have never had an xbox fail , I have had 7 360s including a launch one , none of them died and all them managed to contain A HARD DISK And if the USA keeps going down this way , more power to the competition ,cannot wait for the day I am playing an African console , running an Indian OS , across a UK network , with games coded by independents . Far fetched? Well you know once we Limies found it far fetched that our US colonial subjects would run their own colonies , Apple and now Microsoft fouling up this way might just be a portent of one more doomed Empire, who is next ? Intel? Now who is going to get me an xbox slim WITH THE 250 gb HD as advertised? And Mr Jobs , when you gonna fix my iPad so it can play a YouTube video and stop cutting out of wifi every 5minutes, oh did I mention the one you sent me had a defective screen , and was not replaced until I wasted a whole day complaining Lucky for me that experience put me off wasting 500 on an iPhone 4 now isn't it Truth is the days foretold by Mr Gates when young upstarts overtook the likes of microsoft are already here , you know I surf faster and do more from my Singapore designed and manufactured joojoo , which costs nothing more than the machine , can play through entire YouTube videos in hi def without stopping , multitasks ,and has no screen defects , better customer relations and the company that makes it displays none of the arrogance of the post colonial leviathans like Apple and Microsoft , arrogance which is costing Apple and now Microsoft, and no amount of psyched fanboi armies or humble pie eating CEOs are going to mitigate the damage.

Missing xbox 360 slim hard drive turns out to be a design flaw: Hard disk wobble

The launch XBOX 360 Slim has a self assembly DIY vibe ...

So I found my missing 250gb HD , floating unconnected in the console , and this is a major design flaw , as the drive slots vertically , gravity ,and generally moving the console easily dislodged it , in transit , reinserting it does not inspire confidence , this kind of slot in drive enclosure is well known to be unreliable , cf a pc Mac or even the ps3 or old 360 where the drives are held in place with screws ,and enclosures within enclosures. Where you used to worry about moving the console with DVDs in the drive , you will also have to worry about dislodging the hard disk , and as there is no screw holding it in place , even placing it horizontal is not going to help , with something as crucial as the hard disk you need to have a locked enclosure with a screw to keep it in place . Just imagine in a few months time when the family is jumping up and down to kinectimals singalong safari slaughter and the xbox slim screams to a halt as the slot in hard disk dislodges and ejects itself , the price of elites is set to rise Well at least the console looks the part ,.... In the mock up videos


And that's just during game installation.Having just reattached the floating hard disk , discovered its design flaw of ejecting itself when the mood takes it, i decided to install Too Human , a process which is taking around 15 minutes .All of those  minutes the side fan is blowing louder than my elite and ps3 put together, worse still the hot air could cause serious harm to plants , pets  and toast marshmallows  quite nicely.

seriously the xbox 360 slim is louder , hotter , and slower during installation than my old elite



People if you have an older model of the 360  and hate the noise that makes then the slim will break your heart and singe anything to the right of the side air vent which is another design flaw.So far my opinion and that of non gamer observers seem to be that the xbox 360 slim is closer to a kirf version of the xbox360 elite , a cheaper tackier more kitsch version , which incidentally is cheaper to manufacture.Wow all this excitement and i haven't even manged to test a game yet.

more real world tests to follow.

but JUST TO BE CLEAR THIS THING IS NOT WHISPER QUIET unless your idea of whispering is a jet engine blowing for 15 minutes.

The good ole 360 did a very good jet engine impression , the slim goes one better reproducing the heat as well as the noise and thats just during game installation.

More real world tests to follow , i have to ask Microsoft is the slim  a joke on ageing gamers ,what did we do to desrve this?

Download Final Fantasy XI Ultimate collection 50% off on STEAM

Gentle folk and Chocobos you have a short time , till 4pm PDT , to download Final Fantasy XI the Ultimate collection from Steam at 50% off ,certainly worth a dabble whilst waiting for XIV 

Square Enix games for collectors


and this is what the UK Xbox 360 Slim box actually looks like ...vs elite to follow when i unpack the thing .....






Thứ Hai, 29 tháng 12, 2014

Free downloads freeing or enslaving the games addict ?

The summer of Steam downloads continues , and it seems Gabe and the gang at Valve have taken a little notice that Apple and Steve , when not handing out post antennagate iphonedoms  and trashing rivals , rule when it comes to  hooking users to their platform with free downloads , so from Steam  we have Alien Swarm free for every one .

This is the second pretty awesome free download in the last couple of months if you count Moon Base Alpha , each one of these brings a wave of new Steam users to the platform.

What Steam and Valve have in their court is a potential user base that is 10s of millions larger than Apples iTunes , and they cater for significantly more powerful hardware .

Would you rather pay  $5 for a full blown pc game , or $5 for an app , well the answer is you don`t have to . These days its likely you will get both a game from Steam and iTunes for free or , or for less .
Now this is synergy , and market forces at play , the free games and apps bring more users to iTunes and Steam , both encourage people to download legally , millions sign on and the costs to consumers decreases .


For now that is all of these free downloads are hooks , years from now we will be paying Steam and iTunes to store our beloved games and music collections on their clouds . So enjoy the free stuff ride whilst its here , in the long run we will be paying them back for cloud  server storage maintenance and backup .

but wait there is another hope...................but I haven't finished the script for that one yet ..



  • Classic characters
  • hilarious gameplay
  • eight unique challenges
  • cool graphics
  • one-player action


The fever for Starcraft 2s long awaited arrival grows , with worldwide midnight launches and game designers dispatched to various Capital cities to sign copies 


unboxing videos have reached the net

Beta users have modded the hell out of the game already 

There is the obligatory Starcraft 2  iphone ipad app , but don't get too excited though it is free!

And many have received the physical  game  early , including my self  but doh Battlenet does not go up till tomorrow night so patience dear friends , think of our South Korean compadres , and the torture they must be enduring.

Being ancient in the ways of pc games launches I wait with trepidation , is the game and netside code up to the task of taking over almost every gaming pc AND Apple Macintel on the planet ? Including the entire gaming nations such as South Korea ?

If anything Starcraft 2 should feed a wave of PC?MAC hardware purchases and upgrades 

Lets hope so , hail ActiBlizzard!

And please games addicts take a brake once in a while from the game  and refrain from restrictive diets whilst playing the game . No more Noodalities please!

Will the collectors edition sell out  in the current climate based on other Blizzard collectors versions I would have to say no . And a significant number of fans are likely to opt for the digital version from the Blizzard store , I mean look at the size of that thing : I bet the shields are  still  fully operational !

Boom Boom Boom Boom !

Will the internet crash , will government introduce a Blizzard tax , to compensate for all the millions of lost hours to their excellent games ?  Will we have world peace now that so many people from so many nations  are playing games together ?Are games and internet  THE opium of the Planet .....? 

Quite possibly  ..Quite possibly .....

time to get our  Zerg on people get our  Zerg on!

buy the sealed collectors edition with insured delivery from thegameveda ebay store 

BUY NOW FROM Starcraft II: Wings of Liberty - Collector's Edition (PC & Mac) AMAZON UK and  Starcraft II: Wings of Liberty from  AMAZON USA

for collectors of RTS and Strategy games: