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the rumoured in game messaging shop system possibly never to appear in a Call Of Duty game near you ever |
Something in me has snapped , I have just cancelled my Call of Duty Black Ops Prestige preorders , now as you can see from this site , I am someone who buys EVERY game in existence , usually across several formats , and some so ancient that the carbon dating results are still out...
But there is one common linkage to the games I buy or collect , they have to have intrinsic gaming value , i.e be fun and frankly having just gone through the horror that is Medal Of Honor , looking at my Halo Prestige Edition which remains shelved for fear of all the negative waves awaiting me when I open and start playing , realising that the best Michael Bay movies [ I am a fan sorry Tarantino film students] are actually Michael Bay Movies and not knock off 4 hour First Person Shooters of the ilk of Call of Modern Halo Schwarz Ops , and with actual fun stuff like Kinect and 30 years of skill based games to play as well as a ton of free stuff like Lord Of the Rings Online, Star Wars Clone Wars Adventures , Betas from Atlus for their new RPGS , a Star Trek Browser game , 30000 odd iOS apps to peruse,Steam sales galore, I got to wondering why in Nam would I need to spend £130 on Call Of Duty Black Ops Prestige and Treyarch with their usual technically sound but soulless by the numbers game coding.
I could actually code an app in the 4 hours wasted playing another uber fps , that makes you realise how great Half Life and the original Goldeneye were...
I could actually code an app in the 4 hours wasted playing another uber fps , that makes you realise how great Half Life and the original Goldeneye were...
Its time every one woke up to what the Call Of Duty Franchise has done to damage the video game industry , you have once great Japanese coders leaning to the West and producing drivel as a result , great games to look forward to delayed [ GT5] to avoid the annual Call of Duty launch date ...
There are great Call of Duty games , they are the Infinity Ward ones , but they no longer exist in the form that we remember them .... or code pushing the limits of the platform that made them ...
But there is a silver lining to the Call Of Duty cloud , practically every other game release has dropped its price , so for true games fans , and students of game culture,including anyone still interested in seeing video games evolve , now is a great time to pick up all those obscure and scruffy looking games ... and all of them will last longer than the 4 hour action movie rip off that the Call Of Duty mantra of game design has come to represent , at least Arnold and Stallone hammed up their roles ....
I can see a day where the ActiBlizzard Chieftains shorten the game time to 3 hours , and ask you to add more quarters , every time you die , and the multiplayer , Zombies ? perks? get an RPG or go for the awesomely cheap Left For Dead 1 and 2 pack on Steam instead for 50 % off that's £11.49 , the price of a couple of DLC modernwarefare maps !
The absolute hilarity of it all is that the developers of soulless 4 hour fps games like Medal Of Honor , Call Of Duty Modern Warfare , and Black Ops want you to take them SERIOUSLY !
It will be extremely interesting to see when someone is brave enough to make a DELIBERATELY satirical FPS modern warfare shootemup! A complete send up of the the Call Of Duty genre , in the style of Team America perhaps , complete with singing lonely dictators Now that might be a game worth ordering the prestige or "Total lack of prestige edition " for ....
No wait what's that I hear you say? Call Of Duty already is already a parody of its once great self .... wow almost makes me wish I didn't cancel my orders .... almost...
No wait what's that I hear you say? Call Of Duty already is already a parody of its once great self .... wow almost makes me wish I didn't cancel my orders .... almost...
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