The Wizard of Cupertino has spoken and introduced us to yet more technical marvels . What I find most interesting about about Steve Jobs special events , is that I get so excited about getting excited about technology.I am not a traditional Apple devotee . I do not attend the daily techno mass at the local Apple Temple , and yet this year I contributed to the 50% of Apple sales that are now due to Apple first timers ! This was almost entirely due to Steve Jobs presenting his products in his own personal style . So here I am avidly watching the September live Stream from the Apple store website.
And it comes to me , is Roald Dahl`s Willy Wonka and his Chocolate factory the secret to Steve Jobs success? It helps to familiarise yourself with Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
I am watching the Apple keynote stream and its like I am the eponymous young Master Charlie Bucket with his golden ticket to Wonkas magical tech factory , the ticket being the virtual quicktime stream in my magical iPad Safari browser.
That new iPod Nano could easily be a never ending gobstopper , the new Ipod Touch morphs in front of my eyes into a Fudgemallow Scrumptious Delight . Shouldn't these things be wrapped in easy to rip silver/gold foil just like your favourite candy bar ? Are there golden tickets to visit Cupertino? The entire product presentation is better and more delicious looking than any of its rivals.
The tour/event of Mr Wonka/ Steve Jobs of The Apple keynote/ Chocolate factory is being attended by hordes of Violet Beuregardes, Mike TVs and Augustus Gloops , I can see them in the audience , and I start worrying many would not survive dejuicing or fit through that chocolate suction pipe I tell you! There may even be stooges planted by rivals to steal Mr Jobs secrets .....
Not to worry for Apple`s success , like Willy Wonka`s is made possible by hordes of underpaid overworked and fiercely protective foreign workers . Some of the chief Apple equivalent of Wonkas Oompa Loompas even hail from England!I know they talk to me through my magical iPad. And then in the Internet trenches is a volunteer army of Oompa/Apple Loompa blogs swearing Apple fealty ready to attack in text the smallest rival or challenge to the The Wizard of Cupertino.
It has to be noted that Mr Wonka`s underpaid workers,who I believe were paid in cocoa ,sang more whilst they worked , I have yet to hear a decent Apple worker song .And entirely fictitious studies have shown the suicide rate amongst Wonkas Oompa Loompa work force is actually no higher than normal rates for fictional children's characters in the employ of egocentric fictional Industrialists.
Like Mr Wonka , Mr Jobs is a master showman ,salesman , and hopefully benevolent force , and like Charlie Bucket if you are good and finish ALL your cabbage soup , who knows you may get one of those scrumptious fudgemallow iPod Touch delights , although I doubt there are any golden tickets in the boxes.
But back to the event , I want more Apple products and I don`t know why , seriously Mr Jobs is the brightest star in Apples sky , he can come across as the average joe to the average joe, the most psyched tech loving geek to psych tech loving geeks , potentially the most profitable CEO for developers to latch onto , or someone who can get just as medieval with his email correspondence when defending Apple as the average Apple fanatic would on the well known US technoblog circuit. Mr Jobs believes in his company , and he leaves you with a little of this belief every time he speaks.
You know if you had 5 footlong subs to distribute to 5000 tech event attendees , Steve Jobs would get it done , and wearing sandals too......
Because Steve Jobs is the App for that and also the best App/OS/hardware combination that Apple have ever produced. Hook up with him here
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