Thứ Năm, 24 tháng 7, 2014

Master of Orion,Silver,Outcast, Pirates Plus,Colonisation for $2.39 each

There is some serious gaming booty to be plundered at GOG this weekend. The wonder that is Master Of Magic just 18 Mb in size and deeper than most 30 gig installs theses days . The seminal Master of Orion 1 and 2 , the awe inspiring Outcast , Final Fantasy fan favourite Silver and two Sid Meier Classics the original Pirates and Colonisation.. not forgetting Total Annihilation. 

Many PC games of this era adopted this washed out oil painting look for their stills gotta love that 256 colour magic 

Gaming treasures  which you can plunder for just $2.39 each and incidentally run on iDOS on your new iPad or phone or Google Nexus 7 ..which is what I am about to go off and do ... They all work mighty fine on Windows 8 too by the way ! 

that's the last time I do a Pepsi commercial...said Gandalf...

the governator who may or may not be having his way with the help....
if only 256 colour bitmap Governor's daughters were that easy :
and when your 17th Century woman is giving your the silent treatment take solace by plundering booty of another kind

What are ye waiting for set sail for GOG now there be little time left before Davy Jones takes back these treasures...

this content is © and originated from thegameveda  if you are reading it from any other site that has not provided a link back it has been leached 

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