Thứ Ba, 22 tháng 7, 2014

2012 video game sales PWNED by Independent games developers

So it is video gaming season again , where every one releases their 4s, 5s, 6s and 7s .Consider anyone picking up Assassins Creed 3, or Far Cry 3, Halo 4 or Res Evil 6 is likely to have picked up previous incarnations of these ageing franchises. The quality of these games may never have been in doubt, sales will be sky high but when you have finished liberating America, tangled with tigers, waved goodbye to Cortana (she's not real ...really!) and finally got to run and gun down zombies in a Res Evil game you may start to realise that you just spent around £300 to play last years updates of the year before`s AAA titles... gamer  you have been FIFA`d !

I just finished pre ordering most of this seasons AAA games out of force of habit more than desire. Then I clicked on Hell Yeah on Steam and to put it simply I am far more interested in trying out this relatively small release than any of the big name games . And you know there are literally hundreds of such releases, across the PC,iOS, Android ,PSN,Xbox Live in fact there are thousands of gaming gems to discover.

The games to be most excited about this year come from a completely different angle altogether . For 2012 is the first gaming year in which what we refer to as Independent coded games , whether from teams of one like  Super Hexagon, or those with old skool backing like Arkedo ... are out headlining the traditionally published AAA fair that forms our staple gaming diets. 

You can see the power of the indie developer across platforms. The wise are already aware of this of course, with Steam heavily promoting indie games : They know you get that stale I own those games already feeling every time a Steam sale comes along, this year the Autumn and Winter sales are going to be flooded with Independent coded games you the choice or me the choice that was always missing on Steam's catalogue. 

Throw in Desura and the inde game pushers Humble Bundle, Indie Royal, Indie Gala, Be Mine, Green Man Gaming, Get Games and you have the largest and most exciting push of independent gaming and gaming content in gaming history going on.

This is THE most exciting time for emerging game coding talent in the history of gaming ,if  gamers continue to support it soon very soon Mario, Snake et al will be facing forced and well deserved retirement along with their developers.

Even the Nintendo Wii U is focusing on having a large number of it's 50 game launch sourced from Independent games developers and released as download store purchases.

Sony too will move many an indie classic through PSN as will the hoodied Microsoft guys through Xbox Live...and these developers are not afraid to move units across platforms.

And that is not even including the Windows 8 store launch that is just weeks away. 

What is more the majority of these games will cost around the same as an iOS or Android App. So in these austere times they will suit gamers and still generate more income for publishers and developers than traditional AAA games .

But there is something else going on here, for the first time in a long time a game coded by 1 guy or girl can occupy the same amount of web traffic , gaming time and garner better reviews and vibes than multimillion dollar 100 plus teams coding AAA games in plush campuses..

Add to this the growing demand for classic games whether DOS classics from GOG, or HD remakes of Saturn, Genesis or Dreamcast legends.. there has never been so much choice out there and coincidentally competition for the AAA publishers . 

In 2012 the year the Independent gaming smart bomb dropped , Assassins Creed 3 , Halo 4 , Black Ops 2 won't so much be facing off against each other they will be facing off against all the independents across iOS, Android, Xbox Live, Steam, Desura, Flash, Java and even the humble browser based and not so humble Facebook gaming phenomena ...

So whilst it may be cool to liberate the US of A from Imperialists whose descendants cannot even translate what Magna Carta means, or to save alien worlds from fluttering droid invasions have done all that before and in 2012 you will get more gaming bang for your buck from any of the 100s of independently coded games.And you will buy these across platforms whether PC , iOS, Android, PSN or Xbox Live... And a lot of them like Hell Yeah! FTL or Super Hexagon may even bring a smile to your game face as you realise gaming just evolved and you gamer... you are evolving too... and...and...and....

and it is all thanks in no small part to our old Uncle Steve surfing the wave for us ... 

this content is © and originated from thegameveda  if you are reading it from any other site that has not provided a link back it has been leached 

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