Samsung Galaxy Tab UK version a phone and tablet for less than a phone and tablet..
It seems the UK version is the version of the Samsung Galaxy Tab to own , with both phone and tablet functionality as you can see from the back of the box below .When considering the price this actually works out much cheaper than buying both a slate and a phone , you know say an iPad and an iPhone to achieve less functionality, or for that matter other smart phones , and of course there is always that funky augmented reality stuff .... And its vewy light , and portable seriously less stress on your wrist than iPad! It also helps that it is tangible , as you can see from the photos of mine , unlike other promised wunderslates it is here now , with more power than its rival the iPad , you notice the moment you see a sea of scrolling icons floating above an animated screen saver that also reacts to your touch! You see it when surfing the web , by now us slate veterans groan with displeasure at the speed iPad loads , and then reloads web pages , the way the feeble memory locks the iPad up on a humble YouTube video , and forget Flash with the iPad , but do not worry Samsung have you sorted there as well.
Now are you a brave enough or lucky enough [cyber]Punk to stand out from the crowd of tablet and smart phone lemmings , oft seen contorting with their 9.7 inch slate/trays , or thumbing and squinting at their 4 inch phones ?
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