Thứ Sáu, 10 tháng 10, 2014

Sony Playstation 3 7.1 Virtual Surround Wireless Stereo Headset selling fast at $99

Wireless Stereo Headset

For $99 you cannot go wrong , core gamers will of course have their Astro A40s already , but if you want to keep those pristine for MLG action , you could do worse than have a set of these for less professional gaming exploits , now if only they made them in white ... 

The reviews so far say the 7.1  virtual sound does not compete with higher end sets , also as you are not using the optical out ,you will lose a USB port for the 2.4ghz dongle ( a frequency that likes to meddle with wireless broadband downloads ) , and you will also not have 7.1 sound for Bluray movies ... which is a killer feature of  Bluray movies ... The lack of Bluetooth is to be expected .

In my humble opinion  if you are at all serious about gaming save up for some Astros instead  , or at the very least get the 7.1 Mix amp and then you can have 7.1 sound coming from any headset you connect to it,including that from your Bluray movies  . Even if you avoid the $300 bundled  official A40s , you can still get 7.1 simulated sound from whatever existing headphones you have say your ipod headphones , or those weird pink ones your sister walks around wearing just get the Astro  mixamp... Not for bragging rights but for the  5.8ghz frequency of the  mixamp , I have been using this for 2 months now , and it is the first wireless set up that absolutely will not interfere with your wireless broadband , and allow you to hook up with your PC , 360 , and PS3 through optical out to get your simulated 7.1 sound fix. Currently any Bluetooth headset , and 2.4ghz frequency RF headset will knock itself out ,or your wireless broadband , try downloading whilst playing or surfing and you will see  ,not to mention going haywire when you walk past a fridge or microwave!  

this lets you connect any headphones you like to get your 7.1 fix and it comes in a cool bento style box!

this gets you some bragging rights and is currently the best in class solution to trouble free simulated 7.1 sound in games and films  , on PC , 360 and PS3 , and it comes in an even cooler box...

and this saves you  money....  in the short term  of course if you really want to save money then go for this 

which will give you the same look without the any functionality but for for a 10th of the price ....

this content is © and originated from thegameveda  if you are reading it from any other site that has not provided a link back it has been leached 

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