It is the year 2013 ...know then the Spice known as gaming is the most valuable and profitable commodity known to man.
The Spice diminishes consciousness, extends waist lines and has been known to shorten lifespans . Long term exposure to the Spice leaves users with red with within red eyes and mutated over the course of nearly 4 decades users have the ability to fold space, travelling without moving..from their sofas.
The Spice known as gaming, is only available from a single source, guarded and fought over by by the Insidious iTunes,Google Play, Steam, PSN, Xbox Live, Wii ware , Origin, Uplay and the other great houses of the Lansdraad...vying for exclusive control of it's distribution from their oh so exclusive walled gardens ...
On the machine world of Valve, (many machines/Steam Boxes on Valve) , the Mentat GabeN is oft (mis)quoted as boasting "it is by Steam alone I set your games in motion...braaahhh!"
Whilst the Bene Apple and Microsoft cults together with the invidious Nvidia have their agents scheme within schemes to maintain exclusive control over distribution of the Spice known as gaming...with of course exclusive rights to the weirding modules used by today's gamers.
The Spice must flow....but how when it only grows in the walled gardens of the great publishing houses and can only be consumed using a handful of exclusively produced weirding modules?
Well young Oussell as Stilgar would say you no longer require the(ir) wierding modules ....
If all the above sounds like nonsense , firstly it is , secondly go read some Dune and thirdly you need to remember no one controls what you game on or where you game, or how you game any more. So you may have heard a lot about Steam boxes, Nvidia Shields, you may think you can game only from walled gardens, using one operating system at one time, on one machine or device at a time and tied to your sofa or desktop or device and on so called gaming grade (and cost) hardware .. this is what the old platform holders have been working towards since the first home computer and console reached the first generation of gamers.
The old ways of spice , sorry game distribution have been under challenge now for years with not only cloud gaming (which GabeN and Nvidia are waking up to ) but also browser gaming really taking off. You may for instance be playing Westwood's classic Dune 2, the game that made the RTS genre, instantly in your browser. Wow technology has moved on, has it not ? It used to take a hefty desktop to run this game, we're talking 2 to 3 K at least in early 90s old money. Chances are though you are probably still using a desktop or expensive laptop which chains you to your gaming room or desk (ever take your Retina Display Macbook Pro on the bus?). The walled gardens, gimped OS of your phone or tablets preventing you from taking the game to the devices you use most.. trying to run Dune 2 from a browser even on the Flash enabled Nexus 7 fails ...
You could however play this game anywhere ..and on any iOS or Android device. This is asymmetric cloud gaming across multiple Operating Systems Android Jellybean and Windows 8 Pro, multiple CPU architectures here ARM or A5 and Intel i7, smashing the idea that walled gardens cannot be breached or circumvented .No expensive gpus or specialist Nvidia Shields or Steam boxes are required. This is the scary future for our old game distributors, this is also the exciting and quite liberating present for today's gamer.
To join the asymmetric cloud gaming revolution you will need Splashtop Streamer on your PC , the Splashtop THD app for Android or Splashtop 2 for iOS . You can play Dune 2 online from any FULL browser here
this content is © and originated from thegameveda if you are reading it from any other site that has not provided a link back it has been leached
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