Thứ Sáu, 22 tháng 8, 2014

Disgaea 3 Absence of Detention for £29.86 cementing PS Vita Core credentials

Another week another hand held game launches , unlike on iOS or Android ,  Disgaea 3 Absence of Detention   is not free , nor is it $0.99 or 69p ,  no in the UK it is a full price launch at £29.86 . This is a bold statement from Sony , the PS Vita is a core gaming device with premium prices for its software .  And I am more than happy to pay for class like this , and this is in a week where I picked up the likes of Infinity Blade II for $4.99 , GTA III for 2.99 , and Jobs (iWorship his Shadow)  knows how many free apps for the new iPad ..

With Disgaea 3 Absence of Detention all that PS3 Disgaea 3 loveliness with all the DLC included is yours to play in OLED lit glory right in the palm of your hands. The PSVita is the home of core hand held gaming , yes I have iOS apps for some distraction or to satisfy casual curiosity , but that 9.7 inch hot`n`heavy new iPad is no match for the quad core OLED and perfect for touch gaming sized screened PS Vita . The PS Vita manages to replicate console gaming in your hands better than any other device to date , as Uncharted , Wipeout , Ninja Gaiden  , Persona  , Unit 13 and now Disgaea 3 players can attest. I admire the graphics and speed of  the Modern Combat and Infinity Blade series on the iPad , but I PLAY Unit 13 on the Vita . The experience of playing these games is so different and frankly superior to iOS and Android fumbling that Sony with the PS Vita and Nintendo with their 3DS should stick to their guns , the 3DS and PS Vita are going to be fine and occupy a space that iOS and Android cannot reach until some one wakes up and includes a decent controlling device.

Does it hurt me to pay full price for a handheld game ? Hell no the fact that iOS games are cheap , does not alter my purchase decisions at all , after all if we are going down that route for choosing gaming devices , then your laptop or PC has several million free gaming options .

The real long term success marker for a gaming platform is quality not price.

So  who will win Sony ? Microsoft? Apple? Nintendo or Google?

In thegameveda's near 35 year experience in the battlefield of video gaming whomsoever controls the quality of their releases controls the universe  …

let there be gaming....

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