Thứ Hai, 4 tháng 8, 2014

Cern 4th of July LHC fireworks displays confirm the God Particle

The 4th of July in the USA usually involves millions of pyrotechnic displays and explosions of the decorative firework display kind . Over in Switzerland a different kind of firework display has been going on in attempt to discover the God Particle , they said it could be done , and it has . For today the multi billion dollar firework display that is the LHC yielded confirmation of the existence of the Higgs Boson , in fact two such firework displays independently ... 

Why is the Higgs Boson important? Well it is responsible for your mass , and no you can not go on a Higgs Boson free diet to reduce your mass ... although the clever scientists may now have made the first tentative steps towards this , after they finish partying of course...

When the LHC was being built , the world was free of iOS , and people still used email , some even resorted to Netscape to browse the wired Internet. Information on CERN and the LHC would largely have been presented by some Professor in a white coat and on a website with a Courier font . Or you would probably need to walk , yes remember? walk into a library and wait for next months science or nature.

My times have changed , knowledge is everywhere , and free . 

So we can take a virtual tour of the LHC with the PS Atlas App , that lets you look around by moving your iPad or iPhone totally free of course:

Or you could attempt to escape the LHC  as a Higgs Boson in the LHC App 

and if you want it explained by a rockstar physicist from Manchester ( aceeeeeeed!) you can tap on TED app and type CERN into the search box:

We could swot up reading abstracts on the LHC using the Nature App 

All of this before you even think of checking out the official CERN site.  

And end up knowing more for free , than fee paying ivy league alumni ... that is the levelling power of today's technology. Non academics  will be tweeting , g+ ing and facebooking the discovery of the Higgs Boson in greater numbers than paid academics some of whom were locked out of the presentation. 

Knowledge is not just power any more , knowledge is free....  mein F... down hand! 

this content is © and originated from thegameveda  if you are reading it from any other site that has not provided a link back it has been leached 

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