Thứ Tư, 31 tháng 12, 2014

Playstation Move available to preorder now avoid nvidious game specialist monkeys

I just moved all my E3 2010 game and hardware pre orders away from traditional  game retail specialists

Use your freedom to chose who you preorder from !

This coming gaming season  will be the most awkward for gamesfans , as everything will be out of stock in traditional games retailers that cannot afford to stock items , employ completely useless sales staff  more concerned with hording than selling ,  and still use payment methods that prevent a vast amount of customers actually placing an order online or in store.

There is hope , just use non games specialists :

 The most reliable preorder source is Amazon , ie one that is not manned by nvidious and underworked overpaid Gleek club rejects , well at least in the UK !
 When you want your rare game stuff and you don't want to be asked why you wanna buy it , lectured about how the poor retail monkey cannot afford to buy it [ cos their parents are charging too much rent or they would not have enough money for beer sob sob ] , or asked where you get your money from just preorder it from Amazon !  

If you want to be sure of getting Kinect , Xbox 360 slim , Playstation move or any of the Limited Edition games we see at E3 avoid traditional retailers , to avoid the inevitable disappointment , come September their underworked over staffed stores will be hording the stock that you have gone through the effort of preordering 

This happened for the original release of the Xbox 360 , this will happen for masses of hardware and software exclusives that we see at E3 , in fact this may be one of the major reasons games sales have taken a tumble - the demand is there but the sales ie traditional retail end is failing , cf itunes and apps, and Steam  where there is no third party retailer sales are sky rocketing
So yes nvidious retail monkeys at traditional retail outlets are damaging the world economy and are the ultimate rate limiting step in the progress on the video games industry , in fact replace all retail monkeys with E3  booth babes may be the only hope for traditional retailers!

As long as they have no interest in games or  hording the product , games sales will rise , at present traditional games retail uses games addicts to sell games , is it any surprise those addicted to games never want to see them leave the store?

All the hard work that is going into promoting the games industry at E3 2010 is wasted when the customer walks into the retail store this Autumn to be confronted by the usual retail experience .

So this fall/autumn shun the traditional retailers , and :

For an nvidious retail monkey free shopping experience , just click below and place your preorder 

You know come September your local retail monkey will be flicking their emo hair and zits at you whilst claiming your preorded item was not , sent , whilst nudging it under the counter or hiding it in the stock room , guarded by other Gleeks ready to offload them on the net , to fund their latest beer fest.
 UK fans

USA fans :

E3 2010 is unique because for the first time they have us pre ordering stuff months in advance make sure those orders are with someone you trust. More and more these are non game specialists .

Today video games represent  the most valuable entertainment industry in the world .You the customer , the games fan are what makes the games industry run , exercise your power send a message to the old now failing game specialist retailers, and order from different sources . Its time your local retailer started treating you with respect , and that begins with eliminating the dire retail experience that exists today , that dire retail experience is a significant danger to  the games industry's future.


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