Thứ Bảy, 20 tháng 9, 2014

They done hacked Steam : Change your passwords now dagnabit!

Come and listen to a story bout a man named Newell.
A rich cloud pioneer ,barely kept his servers cool,
Then one day he was shootin at some dude in Team Fortress ,
And up through the VOIP came a warning of all your passwords R belong 2 US

Hackers that is ,Anonymous gold? Lulzsec tea?

Well this Hillbillie or should that be Hackerbillie stanza , is how thegameveda coped with shock of having Steam , which is sacred to all PC gamers , being hacked through it`s forums , make sure you change your passwords and make sure your Steam password is not the same as your forum password , and that password is not the same as any other you use. And sad to say it will be time to check the use of your credit cards.

What next ? There is only really Xbox Live for the hackers to target ... so it is a matter of when ...not if ..

Good luck to Gabe, Valve and all at Steam. Oh and as Gabe would put it I am sure :

Y`all come back now, y`hear

and if you need cheering up check out the BEVERLY HILLBILLIES

this content is © and originated from thegameveda  if you are reading it from any other site that has not provided a link back it has been leached 

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