Thứ Năm, 11 tháng 9, 2014

From tomorrow you save games to the cloud ,navigate movies with a wave,Bing with a word as Xbox Live updates

TV is more amazing when you are the controller. - Xbox LIVE update info.

Beacons , Cloud saves , Voice and Search Controls and Facebook Posting are the updates hitting your dashboard tomorrow , but are they free or for Xbox Live subscribers?
Hooked up to a PC you can do all of this and more with Kinect already , but it is cool to see the living room remote being threatened in this way  , and what happens if your sister shouts "Xbox Bing My Little Pony " in the middle of your Call Of Duty session ? I mean has this been Beta tested or what?Of course to take full advantage of the update you need a Kinect , so way to go Microsoft , time to shift another 5 million Kinects!  Find out more here  and avoid the shortage of Kinects by getting one direct from the source :

Microsoft Store

Now that Microsoft have us  all talking to our Xboxes how long before they start talking back ? Imagine then  a near future where Microsoft targets your preferences and the Xbox shouts at you to play a game , or suggests a movie or online purchase ,  all Xbox users will of course be referred to as "Dave" ... and what if the thing goes AI ? Will Microsoft tailor each Xbox to each user ? A streetwise wisecrackin Xbox personality for the kidz and  , left wing right wing political leaning personas for politicians who have secret Call Of Duty addictions , or just your favourite Hollywood actor/Pop stars voice shouting out at you from your Xbox? Peter Molydeux would be proud....

But why tell me ... why is no one asking the most important of questions ?  Where is Star Wars Kinect Mr Kudo Tsunoda ?

this content is © and originated from thegameveda  if you are reading it from any other site that has not provided a link back it has been leached 

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