Thứ Năm, 26 tháng 6, 2014

Greenlight and buy Kromaia ... if you know your Internal Section from your Rez ..if not let me show you how to get into the zone playing with the Cinemizer OLED HMD and head tracker

Kromaia is the perfect "zone" game, a 6 degrees of freedom shooter with a shades  of your favourite Tetsuya Mizuguchi classic .. 

Rez, Child Of Eden, Internal well as all being proponents of synaesthesia ( the game genre not the medical condition) share a distinct graphical style .. Internal Section is probably the greatest PlayStation game most of you have never played.. 

At first glance static screens of Kromaia seem to indicate an Internal section homage,  enough to get me to buy it, but when you get to play it though you find it is something more .. 

Where the above classics guide the gamer down tunnels and around bosses, a lot of the time on rails ..Kromaia gives you what you always wanted .. 6 degrees of freedom ..but with all the synesthetic audio visual feedback of those classic games.  in Kromaia whilst the game may look like Internal Section .. Rez or Child of Eden .. the freedom it gives you in the two modes available at present Story and Score Attack ... set it apart

For Kromaia is ultimately a "zone" game .. if you have to ask .. you will never know .. getting you into the zone is where this game really shines.. 

And this is just the Alpha! 

That's the theory ..but how does it play ?  Check out my ghost below playing the game with the Cinemizer OLED Head Mounted Display and Zeiss Head Tracker..

I am playing with the same fly to look set up that works so well with Strike Suit Zero, the z and roll axes are still legacy controlled. Everything else relating to FOV is achieved using the Zeiss head tracker.

Coming across games like this is what makes gaming so great, it also shows the PC platform in the face of diminishing year on year sales and some argue relevance, still has  the most vibrant and thriving development community ..

If you want to support that community get on over to Desura and pick up the Alpha for Kromaia 25% off right now, leave a message for the devs and check out the Kromaia / Kraken Empire homepage and vote to Greenlight Kromaia on Steam .. 

As for me ..any excuse to mention  Mizuguchi san, Rez , Child of Eden ..and you may have guessed my favourite synesthesia game Internal Section ( by Square, launched in Japan only  ) is reward enough .. 

Actually no it's not .. playing Rez, Child Of Eden, Internal Section and now Kromaia is ...

There is nothing like a Game... 

More on Kromaia when I work out how to spell it and play the game in 3D with all current  HMDs .. This is just the Alpha and it is so refreshing to find a game you can learn to play not only with twitch or click skill or sit around streaming on Twitch for clicks , but enjoy PLAYING with style too..  which is what it really shares with those old PS classics ..going right back to Internal Section ... via Child of Eden and Rez..  

Cannot wait to see how this one turns out ..  Long live the indie gaming revolution.. ! 

Update : using TriDef 3D it is simple to play Kromaia in 3D and here are the results on the Oculus Rift , Cinemizer OLED and ST1080 HMDs.. 

Kromaia Oculus Rift  :TriDef 3D Rift Beta 

On dev kit 1 (of?) we get to play in scaled to semi 720p, which I up scaled to (semi) 1080p  when making the video for all you Crystal Cove and Valve Prototype owners .. 

Note to JC .. at some point the Rift tracker stopped working so I switched to the Zeiss tracker .. combining both for roll and XY movement .. And the experience of the Zeiss head tracker ? You immediately notice the difference .. with the Rift your head tracker stops and starts after your movements at points .. There is far more to head tracker design than simply throwing in faster sensors .. as I keep trying to tell him!

The weight, momentum and bulk of the HMD the head tracker is attached to (ergonomics) also play a part in the "experience" of the efficacy of a head tracker .. and the HMD .. it really does not matter that your Rift head tracker is faster on paper, when it shuts down or throws a wobbly at a random point. is dependent on mouse emulation in software and attached to a bulky HMD that you have to exert additional force to stop moving... speaking from 9 months of TVRKing the thing..

And the experience?

There is the usual screen door, vis pixel issue, blur is not so bad but it is the nausea post game that gets you ( I am pretty tolerant of the in game nausea)  .. Key to making the Rift commercially viable is eliminating Rift nausea...not just decreasing it ..

As for the game it is stunning and JC should be TVRKING this ASAP!Try the following video with your Rift , Crystal Cove or Valve prototype and see if you agree... 

Next up 

Kromaia Cinemizer OLED HMD 1080p Above/Below 3D ZEISS HEAD TRACKING

This is an above below scaled 1080p 3D experience all in a HMD that weighs around 180g .. one you can take anywhere with you right now ..and experience nausea, blur and lag or latency free.. as tested by me at 38000ft !

Kromaia ST1080 True 1080p 3D side by side TriDef ZEISS HEAD TRACKING

The ST1080 gives you a transparent or opaque 100 inch display  again around 180g portable HMD with each of those segments of that 3D image able to run at true 1080p resolution.. which gives you a stunning Kromaia experience ..  again one I have tested at 38000 ft .. nausea , blur and screen door free.. paired with the Zeiss head tracker you also get instant head tracking.. 

Whatever your flavour of HMD playing in 3D really elevates the Kromaia experience, to a point where you won't consider playing in 2D is playing the game at all .. now that's what I call immersion... 

Support the devs of Kromaia , Kraken Empire now ! 

this content is © and originated from thegameveda  if you are reading it from any other site that has not provided a link back it has been leached 

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