Thứ Tư, 24 tháng 9, 2014

Why Assassin`s Creed Revelations Animus Edition is a Jedi to the Battlefield 3 , Modern Warfare 3 , Skyrim , Zelda and Star Wars the Old Republic limited edition Padawans

Another year of Autumn game launches , and for another year the most sought after collectors edition across all formats will be an Assassin`s Creed  game ,  Assassin`s Creed Revelation Animus edition in this case. Last year I wrote an article on why Assassins Creed Brotherhood Limited Codex edition would do the same  whilst so called AAA games like Blackops and Halo Reach , and even StarCraft 2 limited editions would not .

Once again this will occur because Assassin`s Creed is the most internationally respected AAA gaming brand , every iteration of this game series has seen it`s special editions rise in value , across all formats . This is something unique in game brands , and although I am talking about the game`s following and sales , let us not forget that year on year Assassin`s Creed has delivered with  deeper longer and more fascinating gameplay. For thegameveda playing Assassin`s Creed reminds me of the good olde days of game development  , real world settings , mystery , beauty  , art , adventure , early Tomb Raider and Thief antics , history , and as a paid up subscriber to the Illuminati  ( my membership is in the post or so they told me not to tell anyone) a feeling of pride that some Montreal game coders finally rumbled our plan for World domination ....

Many other publishers could learn from the way Assassin`s Creed is developed and marketed and released almost platform agnostically . 

It also helps that Ubisoft to date have not attempted to milk the paid for DLC route that presently is the obsession of FPS developers and other console game developers . You know why excellent games like Killzone 3 , Infamous 2 ,Halo , Deus Ex Human Revolution ,Gears of War 3, and even Uncharted 3 and Call of Duty Modern Warfare have and will have high day one sales and then even higher day 2 trade ins ? Well the consumer has had enough of 8 hour single player campaigns , with half of the multiplayer to be released at a later date with you having to download content or unlock content already present on disc , when the developers deem it suitable for you to do so .

Thus there are few competitors to Assassin` s Creed Animus Edition`s position as the most sought after and collectable video game release this year , only Metal Gear Solid Ultimate HD Collection will be more sought after , and that is releasing next February with only 4000 units world wide .

2011`s most collectable gaming crown once again belongs to Assassin`s Creed. But wait did I just feel a tremor in the force......?

Order Assassin`s Creed Revelations Animus Edition from thegameveda ebay store   or thegameveda ecrater store now 

ASSASSINS CREED for collectors


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