Could Sony's Oculus Rift killer VR headset for PlayStation 4 mean curtains for Nateman and The Boy Virtual? Doom 4 the Rift? Captain Carmack left Quaking as Team Oculus face off against an army of seemingly insurmountable VR demons without a Consumer Rift to TVRK ..?
This is gonna be a long read as I collate all scuttlebutt re the state of VR and HMD gaming at the moment, so please be sure to have recovered from any Rift Nausea before you start. In the latest fashion of VR and HMD article writing I will be referencing various relevant sources in order to lend cred to my arguments ... After all VR and gaming is so grown up right ?
Consider then, this the third part of my Oculus Rift Dev Kit review.. in which I ponder the potential of competition evolving the HMD beyond the Rift's capabilities , VR lifestyle choices of the Rift and famous : TVRKING , the Professional Rift Trolling Circuit, Rift Taggers, the Hare Riftna movement and very very very important: the VR demons The Wonderful OVR are facing including Rift Blur, Lag and Latency and of course the BFG requiring uber Demon from VR Hell that could spell ULTIMATE DOOM 4 the Rift as a consumer device : Rift Nausea...
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faced with any Demon or criticsm Oculus VR immediately adopt the "it's only a prototype" or turning to Jello defense |
I will as you can see be referencing/channelling Platinums' The Wonderful 101 [1] as a visual metaphor for the battles with various types of Rift VR demons our friends at Oculus are facing. Some of which I predicted they would face ...way back when I first backed them ....MUHAAHAHHHH!!! and twice more ....MUHAAHAHHHH!!!....MUHAAHAHHHHH!!
Time then to look at this paradigm shifting moment in VR and HMD gaming and what it means for our friends over at Oculus.. whilst referencing and simultaneously reviewing(OK playing) The Wonderful 101 .. the mechanics of which bare an uncanny relevance to the battles Team Oculus VR are engaged in ..The Wonderful OVR have been going on a a bit lately about the demons the Rift faces.. note I said the Rift faces, because other commercially released HMDS do not face those issues.. for OVR to leave that fact out of their recent "lectures" and "articles" is ....fascinating.....
The Wonderful OVR vs the demon of Competition
New competition has emerged for OVR .. not the first or last that OVR will face, but the first from a brand with far more recognition in video gaming than OVR .....namely Sony.. And where Sony goes others tend to follow...where then does that leave OVR .. when later Microsoft and others join the VR if they haven't thought of doing so already...?
News of a Sony VR HMD, first broke through Eurogamer (that must have pleased Endgadget no end, who only got the relatively dull HMZT 3 scoop). This sleight of PR hand, had the Fantastic Media Friends of Oculus VR (FMFOVR) thinking the HMZT3 was it for Sony, cue Rift PR and friendly media talking down $1000 hmds a couple of days ago on one of the most prominent Media Friends of Oculus blogs. Completely unaware that a Sony Rift Killer also existed and is ready to be shown at the Tokyo Game Show.. in fact it could have been shown at Gamescom .. Thus Sony deftly bypassed the Rift Taggers[**] and pro Rift Trolls[***]..But then Sony's no slouch when it comes to PR oneupmanship as I am sure a few Nintendo, Sega and Microsoft heads of dept can confirm. And Oculus VR with all due respect are no Microsoft, Sega or Nintendo...Put that in your VR hype pipe and troll it..
** Rift Tagger : defn: A person or Internet entity that follows any and all Internet comment on social networks, forums,blogs and youtube videos with the words "Oculus Rift" +/- further comment which can be benign or malicious in nature. Can be employed by Oculus VR ..Can also be a Rift Troll..
***Rift Troll : defn: A person or Internet entity that follows any review, comment made by any individual or entity around the Interweb across forums with an attempt to discredit said individual or entity commenting on a negative opinion or experience of the Oculus Rift +/- OVR. Unlike the Rift Tagger , comment is always malicious vs any one with a negative experience of the Oculus Rift or OVR .. Can also be employed by Oculus VR although it may take other Rift Trolls to inadvertently admit this ..DOH!!! And OVR have been known to OMIT this fact in privately written apologies..
****Rift Nausea : defn: a state of severe malaise unique to use of Oculus Rift HMD series. Hx/Onset within seconds or minutes of using the Rift, during the use of the Rift and persisting for minutes to hours after using the Rift. Symptoms dizziness, eye strain nausea,syncope and in severe cases possible emesis . Rx : the only known solution is to prescribe a different form of Head Mounted Display one that is free from Rift Nausea ( by virtue of not being a Rift ). Currently this renders the RIft design as commercially not viable and further clinical studies with the Oculus Rift ..actually any clinical studies need to be completed before we can ascertain any acute or long term health impact..Cause: the hardware and software used by the Rift.. NB neither the user nor the game developer is responsible for the Rift Nausea sometimes mischievously referred to as VR Nausea .. Thousands of hours of testing on thousands of subjects using rival HMDs produces no similar nausea/malaise.. HMD nausea seems to be linked to and a unique function of wide field of view, above 180g weight, low cost , low quality optics and display HMDs..
Now faced with two not one Sony HMD announcements OVR comments are everywhere, Nateman and The Boy Virtual have been dispatched and are currently doing the rounds sporting one of two (semi)1080p prototypes. Engaging with friendly reviewers that form part of the Fantastic Media Friends Of Oculus VR (FMFOVR) desperately reaching deep into their sycophantic phrase books most recently used to reflate Double Fine Kickstarter backer confidence, to try to quell the panic in The Wonderful OVR..and reflate the Rifts now deflating hype bubble..when what should matter is solving the Rifts issues and creating a commercially viable HMD..before someone else comes along and beats you to it..
I have picked up on other HMD manufacturers welcoming the entrance or validation of the HMD market by such a big player..Sony that is..not OVR.. Consumers and developers alike will be able to consider HMDs not as mere gimmicks for geeks or tech shows but actual common household objects that serve a purpose sitting next to their consoles, phones, tablets and PCs.. t'is the dawning of a new platform
Sony understands what Oculus VR do not that HMDs have diverse usage scenarios, from portable low FOV to wide FOV VR head sets ..there never needed to be only one device..or one way of accessing VR or even need to access VR ..the HMD that succeeds is the one that adapts to users expectations not the developers..
The new Sony device will be a VR wide field of view HMD not just competing with but surpassing the Rift. All those claims of every other HMD having a smaller FOV or not being VR .. just got shut down.. period. And Sony's 10s of millions of PS4 owners by next year are going to be able to take to VR free of the Rift's issues or it's developers OVR..and the oft openly glib tech celeb puppeteers pulling their strings..
Further this is not likely to be a thousand dollar HMD like Sony's HMZT series. And you know if it is, people will still buy it. You can sell anything at any price, if what you sell has actual value..actually works ..has actual use .. and a brand with a history of commercial success behind it.. just ask Apple..or..oh yes... Sony.. Most importantly though you have to have something to the first place..
The Sony PS4 VR HMD could also leverage the wireless video and audio transmission technology that comes with the HMZT3 .. now how cool is a wireless VR HMD that let's you play PS4 games and media.. to you ?
It could also leverage the battery tech of the HMZT3 , suddenly VR becomes eminently portable.
Put all the disparate Sony tech together and you have another way to mobilize VR:
Say I have my PSVita , streaming a full game using Gaikai . Let's say I am playing the Metal Gear 5 demo this time next Christmas.. only I am doing this at the beach in Rio (it's raining so all the beautiful people have gone in doors) , wearing my wireless Sony PS4 HMD ... .. There's no need for a PS4 even in this scenario , we could of course use remote play and stream a stream gaming which I have been doing for a couple of years now..combined with HMD VR gaming thanks to the wireless and portable Sony PS4 HMD... there is nothing to stop you streaming the Last Of Us from your PS3 GAIKAI collection on your PS4 either in theory or Naughty Dog's VR follow up on PS4.... on your portable VR Sony PS4 headset ... everything everywhere ... whilst Rift TVRKers toil to make a living on Youtube...
Exciting times..
And as we know where one console platform holder goes, so do the others ...
The Wonderful OVR vs the demon of Over Exposure :Time for a Little Less Hype and Little More VR Action?
Team Oculus as usual are in full promotion mode ..when they should be in commercial production mode.. frankly they left it too late...
So then, is the era of crowd sourced and forum and media hyped prototype VR over? Yes it is .. Sony like other HMD manufacturers, have been developing their VR HMD without any of the Riftmania and the associated TVRKING* the The Wonderful OVR ...and the Oculus Rift are known for..
* TVRKING : definition : the act of rapidly shaking your head around with mouth agape whilst wearing a prototype HMD and youtubing it or taking a "selfie".. TVRKERS are commonly found on Youtube and appear magically in the background of prototype HMD "interviews" with varying degrees of facial hair , often behind closed doors...TVRKING in public spaces is considered distasteful by some more conservative VR fans..
With competition growing daily and many of the truths about the limitations of the Rift design getting past the Rift Troll,Tagger and Media Friends of Oculus VR promotion net, we have to consider ,have The Wonderful OVR over TVRKED themselves and waited too long.. not having a retail far into the hype run for said future product...? And so serious doubts may be forming in both public and The Wonderful OVRs highly intelligent minds:
People have started to consider if there is any point to the Rift anymore, indeed if there was any point in the first place, it was never designed to work optimally outside Rift SDK games and interface with any of the devices we actually will be using in 2014. Walled garden greed limited it's usage scenarios..with engine makers trying to dictate hardware use .. yeah like that is going to work, no one buys a Unity, or Steam or Unreal PC .. or console .. they buy a PC or Console on which they choose what to play or do..Steam Boxes are as likely to be successful as a Unity or Unreal Box..Neither Valve,Unity or Unreal should chose to limit access to VR or HMD development...through one pipe..they should be supporting EVERY HMD and VR leaning device.. and they WILL do ..THEY WILL DO...just like they support iOS and Android and of course NVIDIA and AMD...
So then The Wonderful OVRs time in the spotlight is going to be limited , no matter how many TVRKERs , Rift Taggers and Trolls or Fantastic Media Friends Of OVR they employ or lean on .. because this is all just hype .. You can bet the coders of Unreal are screaming for the opportunity to support the Sony VR HMD in Unreal Engine 4 on the PS4... as well as other HMDs and headtracker solutions.
And there is always a faster engine , one that is more profitable for developers.. The Rift price point is never going to allow the spec of components required to create VR without present and persistent physiological and clinical does not take a Phd or a Rocket Scientist to figure that out....and it takes someone with guts to point this out to the Phd/Rocket Scientists ..
So does this Sony announcement ( with Microsoft,Samsung and others perhaps yet to follow) spell curtains for our heroes at Team Oculus? Will Nateman and The Boy Virtual's Protohype On the Road Show continue?
* TVRKING : definition : the act of rapidly shaking your head around with mouth agape whilst wearing a prototype HMD and youtubing it or taking a "selfie".. TVRKERS are commonly found on Youtube and appear magically in the background of prototype HMD "interviews" with varying degrees of facial hair , often behind closed doors...TVRKING in public spaces is considered distasteful by some more conservative VR fans..
With competition growing daily and many of the truths about the limitations of the Rift design getting past the Rift Troll,Tagger and Media Friends of Oculus VR promotion net, we have to consider ,have The Wonderful OVR over TVRKED themselves and waited too long.. not having a retail far into the hype run for said future product...? And so serious doubts may be forming in both public and The Wonderful OVRs highly intelligent minds:
People have started to consider if there is any point to the Rift anymore, indeed if there was any point in the first place, it was never designed to work optimally outside Rift SDK games and interface with any of the devices we actually will be using in 2014. Walled garden greed limited it's usage scenarios..with engine makers trying to dictate hardware use .. yeah like that is going to work, no one buys a Unity, or Steam or Unreal PC .. or console .. they buy a PC or Console on which they choose what to play or do..Steam Boxes are as likely to be successful as a Unity or Unreal Box..Neither Valve,Unity or Unreal should chose to limit access to VR or HMD development...through one pipe..they should be supporting EVERY HMD and VR leaning device.. and they WILL do ..THEY WILL DO...just like they support iOS and Android and of course NVIDIA and AMD...
So then The Wonderful OVRs time in the spotlight is going to be limited , no matter how many TVRKERs , Rift Taggers and Trolls or Fantastic Media Friends Of OVR they employ or lean on .. because this is all just hype .. You can bet the coders of Unreal are screaming for the opportunity to support the Sony VR HMD in Unreal Engine 4 on the PS4... as well as other HMDs and headtracker solutions.
And there is always a faster engine , one that is more profitable for developers.. The Rift price point is never going to allow the spec of components required to create VR without present and persistent physiological and clinical does not take a Phd or a Rocket Scientist to figure that out....and it takes someone with guts to point this out to the Phd/Rocket Scientists ..
So does this Sony announcement ( with Microsoft,Samsung and others perhaps yet to follow) spell curtains for our heroes at Team Oculus? Will Nateman and The Boy Virtual's Protohype On the Road Show continue?
A veritable double, nay tripple whammy blow to OVR ... especially since their fabled consumer version is still trapped in the Phantom HMD Zone.. and prototypes are currently more notable for generating money for youtubers than investors..or indeed developers ...there are people making money on the Rift then.. you just have to TVRK for it...
Still Team Oculus would say if this was a Joss Whedon film "we have a Carmack" .. which is essentially what Nateman and The Boy Virtual are doing..
But could reputation and ego ( unstable: inflated or diminished) of this legend actually be detrimental to the Consumer Rift reaching retail.. Mayhaps this may be itself.. . one of the greatest VR demons The Wonderful OVR have to defeat ..?
And JC's yet to bring the "other guy" to bare and banish the Rift's demons once and for all ....With all due respect to one of my game coding heroes you sir have been wrong on almost every major decision regarding the evolution of HMDs and I go right back to the Quakecon 2012 speech , the choice of game Doom 3 to launch the Rift , the choice of display, the headtracker , the endless hype disparaging the competition which OVR now allegedly welcomes ... I could go on but just check my prior articles (in which I did) or better still check your own...So it is one thing to have a "Carmack" in your Wonderful 101 VR Avengers line up , but you really need to know how best to and when to use him... for that you are going to need...well that would be telling..
The arrival of competition that OVR cannot afford to rubbish through it's MTBS3D and Reddit arms quoting the reputation and ego of it's celebrity name employees is a VR game changer:Just go try to have an adult discussion on MTBS3D and wait for the Rift flies to settle and take over any discussion.. Fascinating especially when you learn they are actually Oculus employees too.. but when they control the debate it's not bias .. it's manna from Oculus!! Everyone else is biased but them...
This stifles the debate on VR .. it is meant to.. it is meant to keep the Nateman and The Boy Virtual Protohype media friends of Oculus tour going ... But guys and I mean this as a day 1 backer of the Rift , this kind of sycophantic press and media reporting on the Rift is the the worst thing that can happen to a company that really needed to reach retail before the likes of Sony and the rest inevitably entered the arena..
Now you are going to have to compete not through past reputation and on ego through forum trolls, trashing peoples blogs, or strapping dev units to grannies on you tube .. this VR s**t just got Unreal 4 all y'all.... real competition...that has sacked people with bigger reputations and egos because they did not deliver...
Hopefully OVR will compete in a mature way .. and perhaps OVR could start by hiring less promotion trolls to massage their celeb egos and retrain some to become feedback minions thus getting constructive feedback even when it is telling JC or Angel Eyes ..dude that's not going to work..never was and I told you so like last year....Who knows maybe MTBS3D could actually mature and take a joke as well as make one out of VR.. that's my groove..
And it's high time The Wonderful OVR and their sometimes paid for following learnt to acknowledge and respect the fact there are people out there with better ideas, more relevant experience and gadzooks ...different opinions .. and more often than not those people have been right about the reality of VR and hmds .. where your industry and forum celeb Wonderful OVR have been and continue to be wrong... and as for your following ... I have to do it ..apologies to Mr Lucas in advance...
After all VR Padawans ,,, "who is the most foolish ? the fool or the fool that follows him?"
Mental Kombat:
Witness then mere mortal, the timeless ( really no one has clue on the time line as no one knows when the Commercial unit hits ) battle betwixt Team Oculus/The Wonderful OVR and the VR demons known as The evil Blur, Nausea and that most heinous of anti cheap VR headset demons the Lag and Latency twins.
Captain Carmack vs The Evil Blur Oculus Rift Demon..
Our hero and someone who looks nothing like Beaker at all, ( so I am told by several thousand Rift trolls) is currently working secret miracles including if rumours be true hoping to strobe LEDs to counter the Blur / display of the Rift. The Blur looks to have Captain Carmack on the ropes .. who having dropped his signature Joe 90 spectacles, is rendered unable to see the solution the fabled OLED crystal ... the Blur's only weakness... there are of course many reasons for the Rift Demon of Blur being so present in the Rift... but none of which I can currently think of linking to The Wonderful 101 visual metaphor I am riffing off in this article . But fret not , for by the time the Consumer version of the Rift hits , I will have fixed my The Wonderful 101 visual metaphor issues.. . Let's hope JC is as successful...
Steve "Maths of Steel " LaValle vs the Lag and Latency Oculus Rift Demons
Meanwhile in a secret location ( NDAs and all that jazz) we find another Team Oculus hero Steve Maths of Steel LaValle is taking on not one , not three but two of Oculus demons Lag and Latency
Naturally we don't get to see the outcome ( it's totally unpredictable much like a lagging headtracker trying to predict where you are going to look )
The Wonderful OVR vs the Oculus Rift Nausea Demon
And then we come to the most intense battle of all , the mightiest anti consumer Rift Demon of all , the one that terrifies Rift tots to grannies and pays for food to be put on the table for many a Rift Troll and Rift Tagger ... Rift Nausea...
Witness then how after valiantly defeating the Consumer Oculus Rift Demons of Blur,Ego,Lag and Latency ..what may happenstance when The Wonderful OVR face off against the mighty Rift Nausea Demon
But wait what is going on here , Team Oculus is throwing developers to the Nausea demon ...they must fight and defeat it themselves... with software... what? In fact Oculus are resorting the calling the Nausea demon names... that's weak dude ...even Steve had equations .. and Carmack was strobing stuff , seriously they are standing around calling it names ... like " VR Nausea" Rift Nausea is not amused and unflinching , for as every VR demon knows names cannot hurt you and no amount of developer/software input can tackle issues that are inherent in the flawed hardware design of the Rift..
It is completely disingenuous to claim that all VR involves nausea , just like it is completely incorrect to claim all VR involves lag and latency .
These are experiences and flaws that are inherent to the Rift design and software and it's experience of VR. They are NOT present in ALL HMDs or headtrackers .. and Oculus VR with so many Phds and alleged super brains .. are perfectly aware of that.. this is what gets my goat about OVR .. why the nonsense hype.. ?
When I have a go at luminaries like JC or Angel Eyes himself , it is because I have factual evidence to contrary of what they are espousing , whether JC commenting on other HMDs at Quakecon 2012 , or Mr Luckey talking about drift with mouse emulation based headtracking making use of mouse emulation irrelevant ..when the Rift is now 8 months later trying to do mouse emulation with TriDef...
What concerns me about OVR ,quite apart from the attention and money it seems is paid out for Rift Tagging , Trolling and promotion that almost a year on they can at times mislead the public as authority figures. On HMD issues like lag,latency , nausea and blur .. without clearly stating others solved these issues sometimes years ago..
And thus we leave Team Oculus/The Wonderful OVR .. the Nateman and The Boy Virtual and Media Friends Of Oculus tour, Captain Carmack, Steve Maths of Steel LaValle engaged in single eye brow raising mental VR combat against the mighty Oculus Consumer Rift demons of Blur, Lag, Latency and Nausea .. that as the Hare Riftnas[******] like to chant " will be fixed in the consumer version"...with a legion of Rift Trolls , Taggers , TVRKERS and the Fantastic Media Friends of Oculus VR... along for the ride..
Welcome to the wonderful fantasy VR world of The Wonderful OVR
***** Hare Riftna(s) : defn: a sect of strict Oculus Rift devotees known for their constant chanting of the Rift Consumer Sutra " this will be fixed in the consumer version " May also be a Rift Tagger and or a professional Rift Troll .. Hare Riftnas can also belong to the Fantastic Media Friends of Oculus VR. And are adept at devotional Rift TVRKING at Rift media devotee meeetings + of course on Youtube
If you have any interest or working knowledge or more importantly extensive experience of using HMDS you can see through the obvious nonsense.. you could see the flaws in the Rift design back at the Kickstarter phase ..
The problems/consumer release demons faced by the Oculus Rift , from nausea, lag latency , drift in the headtracker , to the same in the display, optics and software are all inherent in the design. Talking, stressing , hypothesising or trying to prepare your hyped up audience for a less than satisfactory VR experience because reality has dawned on you now X million dollars later, just doesn't wash.. Developers do not have time or money for this nonsense..
You need final hardware and software and time and space without hype to release product , what happened in the 80s and 90s is that companies often talked up Interactive movies with the arrival of CDROM.. the experiences from Rebel Assault which launched the CDROM on PC to the many so called Interactive movie adventure games was always less than expected or hyped..And this type of game died out.. ( although Tim come on man keep calm and carry on) .If you are now an Oculus developer like me , consider the pressure on you to deliver a VR experience that matches the hype of an expected end user experience the hardware cannot physically deliver.. In essence I see no sign at present that this will be anything other than a gimmick for geeks .. yeah I will be first in the queue but how do you take something that has so many issues to the next consumer level and how will it compete with Sony's VR headset that will be on every console holding households wish list...
Any number of HMDS will let you interface with so called VR without nausea .. developers need to do nothing to alter their code with rival HMDS ... or waste time and money mitigating issues inherent with the RIft.
Oculus VR's great flaw is that they want the world to adapt to their HMD design ... when it is the job of an engineer , the mark of a great engineer or designer to design an object that requires 0 effort on a users part.... does your iPhone make you dizzy? what if it did? What would Apple do..promote those who cannot see the problems ? More relevantly the smd ST1080, Cinemizer OLED hmds are nausea free , over in AR Google GLASS is nausea free. What all these have in common is quality components that cost.. you cannot do VR on the cheap ..not until mass quantities of units sell , you start selling high and then reduce the price once the device goes mainstream..Oculus always intended to do this the other way round ..there is already talk of going over the $300 by at least $100.How much south of an iPad do you think a functional Rift will cost ..?
And now it faces competition in it's exclusive VR space ..listen very carefully you can hear the sound of thousands of Rift trolls tapping touch screens ..
Similarly Steve's math heavy pamphlet (ok a couple of equations and a chart) talks of lag and latency , predictive head tracking , using maths etc to solve these issues. But those issues he is aware exist in the Rift and are absent when people including himself experience rival HMDs
Then we come to JC working miracles with blur . The blur is partly a function of the low cost LCD panel that is totally unsuitable as a display panel for a HMD. This is HMD design 101. Go OLED or LCOS if you need hi res.. Choosing an LCD panel that is to be used lets say for FPS gaming was the first fundamental flaw I pointed out a very long time ago , you would think with JCs pedigree in FPS gaming and alleged super brain plus the time he has spent around DOOM, he would have picked up on this you know about the time he was criticising all rival HMDs at Quakecon 2012 when he was not "officially" on board Team Oculus.. but plugging it on Kickstarter.
The Rift is meant to be a device we use for long periods of time ,releasing in it's present state any time soon with their rigid price constraints and frankly a lot of very talented and very cool people wasting time on problems that were solved by other HMD manufacturers years ago is a recipe for disaster.
The Rift should keep to its original open source ideals and frankly stay out of the commercial arena till hardware solves it's problems. There needs to be an immediate anti promotion drive to stem the hype and expectations they are generating.
There is going to be no miracle breakthrough that solves all OVRs problems in time for a 2014 release. And if rivals move the HMD field forward we will see wide fov hmds for VR from Sony and others , as well as smaller FOV hmds for the portable HMD crowd or work applications . 1:1 Head tracking with both mouse and dof axes in hardware is pwned by the Zeiss headtracker. Now what happens when that gets updated? Where does OVRs $300 to $500 hmd constraint fit in all that..?
It is also completely disingenuous for Nateman and The Boy Virtual to run around claiming HMDs are going to stay at $1000. There will always be a $1000 plus prestige HMD, but the market becoming a true mass market will drive the price of quality HMDs down. So just like the PC ,phone, tablet and every other market.. that's economics 101...or it could go the other way like the Apple iPad market , people pay $1000 easy for Apple gear . And this is a real threat to Oculus VR. $1000 devices can sell out and be as mass market as cheaper low quality items... even if the tag is connected to a hand bag or piece of clothing..
So let us be clear I access VR and use HMD on a daily basis as do thousands without Nausea, or blur . I use headtracking without perceived lag,latency or drift as I told Palmer before the Rift left the design board to be 3D printed in it's prototype form.
If you were unaware of this , that is in part down to the Rift Hype bubble , which was always going to burst ..
After all the design demons are defeated, if they are defeated before competition deservedly steals the VR market, there is one most powerful demon to bring round ... the customer you and I .. after all as the cliche goes ..good against remotes is one thing ..good against the living.. and that bite back or backlash is what The Wonderful OVR and Fantastic Media Friends Of Oculus VR (FMFOVR) should consider every time they try to set the course of VR or dominate all competition by disparaging others opinions or attempt to discredit them... and all this still without a commercially viable product..for sale or review.
Perhaps others being able to learn from this example is going to be Oculus VRs lasting legacy... seems like my money backing them all that time ago on day 1 of the Kickstarter run wasn't wasted after all and I got a nice T Shirt out of it .... signed too by young Angel Eyes himself..there i go baiting trolls again..
next time ... the relevance of REVERSE TVRKING YOUR OCULUS RIFT...
References,sincere apologies and epilogue :
[1] Sincerest apologies to Platinum Games , you guys rock and so does The Wonderful 101 which I haven't stopped playing even as you can see whilst writing this article... and has inspired me to look for a way to get headtracking working with the Wii U..Metroid Prime here I come..
[2] Eurogamer .. for grading games really well and breaking the Sony PS4 VR Headset story
[3] Steve "Maths of Steel" Lavelle Principal Scientist OVR discourse on predictive lag and latency .. do some comparative studies with rival tech , see if that helps
[4] The Fantastic Media Friends of Oculus VR [FMFOVR] including MTBS3D and Penny Arcade .. I look forwards to jesting with you more .. you guys guys crack me up.. a $300 VR device.. seriously.. it reminds of the time that guy that got up on a stage and said he had a magical device for surfing the web without Flash....
[5] Palmer, you know the solutions to solving these Rift problems .. go to it ..less talk more action, release before E3 2014 or even having a Carmack on your team won't help
[6] Nate Mitchell , grab hold of Balmer asap and sell high .. I know it will make you happy
[7] J C .. John Carmack . ...fix it ..just fix it...
Right I am off to play some more of The Wonderful 101 and some more Metal Gear Solid 4 with Zeiss head tracking on the Cinemizer OLED ,smd ST1080 and mayhaps even the Rift .. I just figured out how to use head tracking in Metroid Prime Trilogy ...MUHHHHAHHHHHH!!!!
Happy Rift TVRKING...VR Pilgrims...
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