Thứ Hai, 5 tháng 1, 2015

Fusion Garage`s joojoo Tablet : heralding the promise of Cloud computing and death of closed ecosystem exploitation of the masses?

Fusion Garage`s joojoo Tablet : heralding the promise of Cloud computing  and death of  closed ecosystem exploitation of the masses?

Here is why I am going to own both the JooJoo and the iPad :
The Fusion Garage  joojoo is a cloud tablet , with a great open design philosophy tuned into the vast consumer base that is not willing to buy into a locked micropayment ecosystem that potentially enslaves and insults  both users and developers, a dedicated a tenacious and approachable team and CEO that has not given up despite the ire of the US blogosphere , and facing competition from the genii at Apple launching the most sought after gadget since man rolled the first stone wheel.  

Unlike others that here in the UK/EU are delayed [iPad ] or now conceded to be vaporware [ Courier/HP Slate] or promising but not yet released [Notion Ink Adam]  ,joojoo is here now : I get mine May 12th! and so can you from here

The  joojoo is the first real device designed from the off to leverage the future of computing - the Cloud - which eliminates the need for local data storage altogether . No more bloatware to install on your hard drive  and no losing your favorite docs or pictures as the dog eats your USB drive , and total freedom from having to SYNC to a pc/mac and transfer your  60 gig strong mp3 collection ! The cloud has bluechips reeling as new models will be required to make money - charging for apps on a closed and gimped system is not one of them

So who would joojoo?Well anyone who wants a Web/Cloud Tablet that allows them to :

Do a ton of things that no other tablet/slate does:

Boot to the Internet in 9s flat - no waiting 2 minutes for a bloated os /bios boot
The entire Internet as your  FREE app - the full Internet at your fingertips including the 75 to 90 % that uses flash - 

Use full versions of cloud based apps not watered down or lesser versions seen on previous hardware
Play cloud based and browser games as they were meant to be in Flash ,Java
Listen to music through Spotify
Social network through full versions of Twitter ,Facebook and others
Email through Gmail
Work through Google Docs
Watch video through You Tube
Multitask with ease ,unlike competitors  you can  play ,listen to music , update your facebook status ,and tweet all at the same time!
On a a stunning 12.1 inch Full Screen with HD video playback 

Now can you do any of that free without the need to download or pay for apps or waiting to be given permission by the people who you fund on any other tablet ?

Tech :that you will not find on another EXISTING tablet
1.3 mp Camera for video conferencing
USB port
Nvidia ION gpu more than capable of dealing with HD graphics
Intel Atom 1.6GHZ
12.1 multitouch capacitive display with 1366/768 res 

Tech that you will find on another EXISTING tablet
yes it has the accelerometer , light sensor built in speakers ,mic and head phone jack as well as wifi 802.11 n , and Bluetooth ,etc,etc

Open and Free design and use  : there is no need to purchase any watered down version of your favorite web application because you have the full and open entire web at your finger tips. That's millions of games old and new , millions of web based apps and your favorite websites in the ever evolving cloud

Software updates [free!] : Fusion Garage is constantly updating the JooJoo to enable full HD flash playback [come on Adobe] , USB access,bug fixes , and more is promised from the very tuned in Fusion Garage development team, even more from the developing community The fact that it is imperfect and a work in progress endears it to its consumer base most of whom themselves will be a work in progress unlike there angelically perfect apple owning colleagues.Any one who is tech savvy does not fear imperfection they embrace it and that includes the lack of flash ,wifi problems and other issues with the Apple iPad.

Open OS and hardware: the joojoo is not locked to one OS , and open to mods for hardware ,OS and peripherals - so we will be able to use all those great peripherals and dongles including 3G through the USB port, and the possibility of running many other OS

For mod fans : the expansion possibilities are enticing as fans across the web take it apart to
to reveal expansion possibilities galore : here is Windows Vista running on it for starters

For developers - anything that runs on the web will theoretically run on this - there is no need to develop watered down apps for smaller screens or system missing the use of basics such as flash or multitasking , there is no need to pay a cut to the hardware manufacturer and you certainly won`t be forced to use one development language alone and seek approval of the hardware manufacturer before you start making returns on your hard work ,or pay $99 to $200 for the privilege.

For Gamers :joojoo has the promise of being the ultimate full retail [not just app/flash] games machine :leveraging the power of the cloud : we may soon be able to play full retail games streamed through devices such as joojoo : Dave Perry`s GAIKAI which is flash based is in Beta is one possibility and InstantAction which allows full retail games to be embedded anywhere in a web browser is here now - you can play The Secret Of Monkey Island Special Edition from a blog post or facebook - both of which are displayed fully on joojoo!- now imagine being able to play Warcraft or Monkey Island on a beautiful 12.1 inch touch screen - through streaming that technology is here now -follow the link to play! and once again no need to download any app! You can finally do away with £5000 uber pcs , as the games providers take care of the hardware - you stream the game through your full Internet window : the joojoo

Add [eventually] the likes of HULU and the rest and you have one fine entertainment machine which goes totally against the closed ethic of the big boys and frees many an enslaved developer- if they want to be free that is!

For aggravated CEOS :The joojoo and its concept is the first nail in the coffin of the old guard - this is a seminal evolutionary moment where open architecture and software development come together to undo the closed monopolies that have controlled and dominated the hardware and software scene. The Internet and what we do with it cannot be shut off into closed walled gardens where a select few wonder for a hefty fee and in whose confines are chained developers who do as they are told to.This possibility and promise is what really scares old CEOS ,  attacks on  Flash and Adobe are just a symptom of their paranoia.

For Sailor :The joojoo "its a symbol of of my individuality and belief in personal freedom

For hostile self serving media : It  is most amusing to see the old guard press and media constantly attacking Fusion Garage [every US applecentric blog is negative,whilst the UK ones have been positive, any positive joojoo reviews attract hordes of apple ipad supporters !] 
All the traditional media are hoping to charge you the public through watered down apps of their sites/newspapers they are chomping at the bit to do so ,and it does not make financial sense to support an open designed device such as joojoo.
The media  should remember that there is no way to maintain a monopoly in this trade ask Texas Instruments , or IBM , as for the new bluechips like Apple  if they are terrified of the potential  freedom that Adobe Flash brings to their closed system , how are they going to hold back the whole Cloud ?joojoo is just the first of many open windows that will not so easily be closed by aged Wizards or their sycophants scribbling complaints.
Eventually Apple will have to open its ecosystem,free developers from their objective c shackles , but by that time the old Apple may have fallen from its lofty Cupertino tree. 
This fear of the cloud may be the real reason why it's CEO has to attack code like Flash which facilitates many cloud apps and sites.

A magical device indeed  and the first of many potential game changers as we all move away from traditional on site data storage and consumption and embrace the cloud , and it is this shift to the cloud that competitors and the sycophantic web based businesses [media and developers] ,and certain CEOs are really terrified of , everything else is just a vanishing horizon.

After a month of playing with my joojoo I will be queuing up to get my Apple iPad , you see as your average tech freak I need every toy good or bad , but don't doubt I will be able to do in 9s and 5 hours of battery life of the joojoo , where the Internet is the app ,what I could never do on my beautiful but gimped Apple iPad in 10 hours because you know with over 100000 apps there STILL IS NO APP FOR THE FULL INTERNET :  that is until our uncle Steve sets his children FREEEEEE...

So come on Steve listen to hallowed words of Mr Freddie Mercury ....FLASH .... AHH ... SAVIOUR OF THE UNIVERSE .........FLASH ...AHHHHHHHH.... HE`LL SAVE EVERYONE OF US...... you too Steve too!

apologies for the vocals.... Soon I will have more on the joojoo and report back on how it really does ! and I mean really does from an enthusiasts point of view not some maximus ovis ....

buy your joojoo for the Princely some of £334 including shipping and it will be with you May 12th , plus like me you will have something to do whilst waiting to take on Uncle Steve's gift to  the aging Trek fan in each of us....

So why am I going to own both the joojoo and the iPad?  to the tech enthusiast joojoo and iPad are complimentary  both important milestones  and too interesting to pass on and really no one at this stage knows what they are for.. they make this stuff up as they go along you know ..remember DOS?....and as always it`s too darn fascinating to miss out on. 

Check out the CEO demoing the device 

 check the  speed of surfing  ,facebook [farmville] , flash video and more a check out all the cool advantages it has over the rivals - the joojoo is obviously excellent hardware its just a shame the US seems so frightened by this 14 man team designed Eastern product ! The features the guy is demoing none of which I will be able to do with my iPad with the ease he shows ,some of which we will never get to do - will Apple allow us to play the millions of flash games out there , run full apps in browser bypassing their app store? and at at a price of £334?

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