A decade ago, a onetime "niche" industry for the young and the geeky "grew up," conquered the world... and then lost everything. The OverThinker remembers how it happened, and wants to know if the gaming biz is heading down the same path.
I'll try not to let a month pass between installments again - fortunately this one was actually a pretty quick job. What slows these things down is the image-hunting: Some material you'll find TONS of stuff to work with, others... not so much.
Thứ Ba, 31 tháng 12, 2013
EPISODE TWELVE: "Sir Mix-A-Lot Would Approve"
See? Technically, it's a whole day LESS than a month since the last update :)
This one is, chiefly, about "Fat Princess"... or, rather, my likely-to-be-in-vain hope that the inevitable (mutually) embarassing dust-up between Gamers and Feminists over "Fat Princess."
Since "Fat Princess" is still yet to be released even for full reviews, this is probably the EARLIEST I've ever been to the party in terms of current-affairs commentary in game journalism. As you'll see in the video, there's a good reason for that: The earlier you hit a subject, the less usable visual material there is to work with.
As such, I'm not even going to pretend that this is one of the more visually-compelling episodes by any means; though I would perhaps beg a small amount of credit for doing ten minutes of commentary largely about anger amongst womenfolk and not doing a single Sarah Palin joke (saving for later, don't worry.)
This one is, chiefly, about "Fat Princess"... or, rather, my likely-to-be-in-vain hope that the inevitable (mutually) embarassing dust-up between Gamers and Feminists over "Fat Princess."
Since "Fat Princess" is still yet to be released even for full reviews, this is probably the EARLIEST I've ever been to the party in terms of current-affairs commentary in game journalism. As you'll see in the video, there's a good reason for that: The earlier you hit a subject, the less usable visual material there is to work with.
As such, I'm not even going to pretend that this is one of the more visually-compelling episodes by any means; though I would perhaps beg a small amount of credit for doing ten minutes of commentary largely about anger amongst womenfolk and not doing a single Sarah Palin joke (saving for later, don't worry.)
A memo to the fans
Okay. The reason there hasn't been a new video for almost a month is twofold: Firstly, my PC is apparently in some kind of death-throes, so my ability to get online OR edit is sporadic at the moment. Secondly... I can't say much officially at this time, but I have a few other projects taking up some time right now.
Rest assured that new material is on the way, and that I'll be saying more as soon as I am able to.
Rest assured that new material is on the way, and that I'll be saying more as soon as I am able to.
EPISODE THIRTEEN: "And There Came A Review"
Not that I don't enjoy being a commentator as opposed to a straightforward critic, but sometimes you just want to review something. So I did, to a largely overlooked budget DS platformer called "Barnyard Blast." The only thing you really need to know is that it's hero is a pig who is also a cowboy and that it actually sets out to spoof "Castlevania" and "Ghosts n' Goblins."
Popmatters Interview
QUICKLY before this crashes again:
I've been interviewed by LB Jeffries of PopMatters about the OverThinker series. How cool is that? No time to even be faux-humble snarky about it (that was on the other blog, and even that was abbreviated.)
Read the interview here: http://www.popmatters.com/pm/feature/64317/the-new-youtube-game-criticism-an-interview-with-moviebob/
Wonder about how I got to be deemed newsworthy later ;)
I've been interviewed by LB Jeffries of PopMatters about the OverThinker series. How cool is that? No time to even be faux-humble snarky about it (that was on the other blog, and even that was abbreviated.)
Read the interview here: http://www.popmatters.com/pm/feature/64317/the-new-youtube-game-criticism-an-interview-with-moviebob/
Wonder about how I got to be deemed newsworthy later ;)
Thứ Hai, 30 tháng 12, 2013
I'm on Internet TV again!
Hey, lookit that! "The Escapist Show" is airing another of my reviews, this time for "Max Payne." What swell guys.
Check it out here: http://www.escapistmagazine.com/videos/view/the-escapist-show/421-Episode-Four-Mirrors-Edge
I'm in there at about 6:05, but you should watch the whole thing because they're good guys doing a good job. It's a little intimidating, to be honest, to be sharing vid-space with even a TRAILER for Zero Punctuation. I mean... who the hell am I, right?
As before, if you dig me doing this, let The Escapist know you'd like to see me more often:
Check it out here: http://www.escapistmagazine.com/videos/view/the-escapist-show/421-Episode-Four-Mirrors-Edge
I'm in there at about 6:05, but you should watch the whole thing because they're good guys doing a good job. It's a little intimidating, to be honest, to be sharing vid-space with even a TRAILER for Zero Punctuation. I mean... who the hell am I, right?
As before, if you dig me doing this, let The Escapist know you'd like to see me more often:
It lives!
Computer working again... mostly. New episodes plus something pretty big forthcoming as I make them and complete things. Thank all for patience.
Yeah, wow.
Here's Episode #2 of "The Escapist Show," with your's truly popping in at the tail end for a review of "Eagle Eye." I come in at about 7:30, but you should watch the whole thing. These guys are working hard, and doing a fine job:
And hey, if you like the show, me-on-the-show and you want to let The Escapist know about it, I'm sure they'd be glad for the feedback: http://www.escapistmagazine.com/contact/
Here's Episode #2 of "The Escapist Show," with your's truly popping in at the tail end for a review of "Eagle Eye." I come in at about 7:30, but you should watch the whole thing. These guys are working hard, and doing a fine job:
And hey, if you like the show, me-on-the-show and you want to let The Escapist know about it, I'm sure they'd be glad for the feedback: http://www.escapistmagazine.com/contact/
To be seen above: Trailer spoofs! Bellyaching! My actual personage! Explanations of where the hell I went! Punch-Out!! Parkour! Bad jokes! And even MORE shameless plugging for my appearance on The Escapist Show!
Chủ Nhật, 29 tháng 12, 2013
Wow, this is cool. I've had to wait awhile to tell anyone about this, but now that I can I'm still pretty overwhelmed by it.
"The Escapist" (http://www.escapistmagazine.com/) is best known these days as the website home of video-game critic Yahtzee Croshaw's hugely popular "Zero Punctuation" weekly series. But it's ALSO a full-blown webzine of it's own with lots of other content. As of this week, that content now includes a weekly gaming/geek-culture news series called "The Escapist Show." You should be watching, it's awesome.
Anyway, "The Escapist Show" features along with it's regular content and contributors short humor segments provided by independent web guys, and next week (episode #2, tentatively planned to air on November 4th) the contributor will be... ME! I'll be doing a movie review - can't tell ya which movie yet. Cool, no?
I encourage everyone to check this out... ESPECIALLY all you Game OverThinker fans, since it's YOUR enthusiam for my goofy content that's had alot to do with getting me noticed at this level. I CANNOT thank you guys enough. But don't see it just for me - the series looks really good and off to a great start. And if you like seeing my stuff on there, send some feedback over to Escapist telling them so, and maybe I'll get asked to come back for more. Look for it next week!
"The Escapist" (http://www.escapistmagazine.com/) is best known these days as the website home of video-game critic Yahtzee Croshaw's hugely popular "Zero Punctuation" weekly series. But it's ALSO a full-blown webzine of it's own with lots of other content. As of this week, that content now includes a weekly gaming/geek-culture news series called "The Escapist Show." You should be watching, it's awesome.
Anyway, "The Escapist Show" features along with it's regular content and contributors short humor segments provided by independent web guys, and next week (episode #2, tentatively planned to air on November 4th) the contributor will be... ME! I'll be doing a movie review - can't tell ya which movie yet. Cool, no?
I encourage everyone to check this out... ESPECIALLY all you Game OverThinker fans, since it's YOUR enthusiam for my goofy content that's had alot to do with getting me noticed at this level. I CANNOT thank you guys enough. But don't see it just for me - the series looks really good and off to a great start. And if you like seeing my stuff on there, send some feedback over to Escapist telling them so, and maybe I'll get asked to come back for more. Look for it next week!
EPISODE FIFTEEN: "The Politics of Gaming"
Least imaginative title ever, I realize. But I hope the content-proper makes up for it. Hey, YouTube? Y'know what'd be awesome? Letting people put non-YouTube hyperlinks in annotations. Just a thought.
Summation: "How would YOUR favorite gaming icon have voted?" I like to think of this one as 95% hit-baiting jokes about whom fictional characters might've voted for, 4.5% newsworthy griping and 0.05% thought-provoking discussion of political themes present in games you may not have thought of. Enjoy!
Summation: "How would YOUR favorite gaming icon have voted?" I like to think of this one as 95% hit-baiting jokes about whom fictional characters might've voted for, 4.5% newsworthy griping and 0.05% thought-provoking discussion of political themes present in games you may not have thought of. Enjoy!
I don't know which makes me feel like a bigger attention-whore: The constant self-promotion or the tactlessness of double-posting it into both blogs. BUT, that's the game.
ScrewAttack.com has informed me (and, I presume, many many many others) that I am elligible to be nominated for their Gaming 1337 ("leet") awards. So... if y'all dig my stuff, howzabout voting for me? ;)
Here's how it works: Go to this page: http://screwattack.com/Nominations Where you'll find a form with multiple fields in which to nominate folks/projects by their name and website URL for various awards. "Game OverThinker," for example, would best fit into the "best independent gaming show" category. Fill out each field (or only the ones on which you have an opinion) with the name and URL (my URL here is http://gameoverthinker.blogspot.com/ and the name is "Game OverThinker" remember,) then your name and email below and click "submit." Apparently you can do this once a day... I bet that would be a fun thing to do ;)
Thanks again for the support.
ScrewAttack.com has informed me (and, I presume, many many many others) that I am elligible to be nominated for their Gaming 1337 ("leet") awards. So... if y'all dig my stuff, howzabout voting for me? ;)
Here's how it works: Go to this page: http://screwattack.com/Nominations Where you'll find a form with multiple fields in which to nominate folks/projects by their name and website URL for various awards. "Game OverThinker," for example, would best fit into the "best independent gaming show" category. Fill out each field (or only the ones on which you have an opinion) with the name and URL (my URL here is http://gameoverthinker.blogspot.com/ and the name is "Game OverThinker" remember,) then your name and email below and click "submit." Apparently you can do this once a day... I bet that would be a fun thing to do ;)
Thanks again for the support.
EPISODE SIXTEEN: "Holiday Show!"
It's that time of year, kids. When entertainers dash off quicker-than-usual Christmas/etc themed shows so they can get back to the relative joys of.. well, relatives. And shopping. Yay.
This installment is sort of a video game shopper's manual for the season's game-buying non-gamers. Seemed like the helpful thing to do. I've designed it to be sent out (hopefully) to anyone you think could use such information. As such, be prepared for certain deviations from the normal additude; including but not limited to: No profanity, slower-pace, less rapid-fire jokes, fewer inside references and copious abuse of an only subtly-game-themed Virtual Fireplace loop.
Happy Holidays!
This installment is sort of a video game shopper's manual for the season's game-buying non-gamers. Seemed like the helpful thing to do. I've designed it to be sent out (hopefully) to anyone you think could use such information. As such, be prepared for certain deviations from the normal additude; including but not limited to: No profanity, slower-pace, less rapid-fire jokes, fewer inside references and copious abuse of an only subtly-game-themed Virtual Fireplace loop.
Happy Holidays!
I'm on Internet TV once again!
The Escapist has once again given me a slot for a movie review on their show, this time involving "Twilight." Now you know why I didn't do that "on my own." Check out the show here:
I come in at about 5:45, but I do reccomend you check out the whole thing - they're covering the Wii version of "Dead Rising," and there's a Zero Punctuation preview for what looks like a Prince of Persia review. Fun!
Oh, and hey... just thought of something: This is the first time I've had one of these up for something that was new and revelent... so, if anyone out there is feeling helpful, it might be fun to go and toss some links to this in the direction of your favorite movie-discussion forum, chatroom, message-board, whatever - particularly ones where "Twilight" is being discussed or is likely to be discussed. The IMDB board for the film, for example, would be a good idea. I'd be interested to see what the actual feedback on something "fresh" is.
I come in at about 5:45, but I do reccomend you check out the whole thing - they're covering the Wii version of "Dead Rising," and there's a Zero Punctuation preview for what looks like a Prince of Persia review. Fun!
Oh, and hey... just thought of something: This is the first time I've had one of these up for something that was new and revelent... so, if anyone out there is feeling helpful, it might be fun to go and toss some links to this in the direction of your favorite movie-discussion forum, chatroom, message-board, whatever - particularly ones where "Twilight" is being discussed or is likely to be discussed. The IMDB board for the film, for example, would be a good idea. I'd be interested to see what the actual feedback on something "fresh" is.
The Screwattack.com Gaming 1337 awards have moved on to the finals, and thanks to all of YOU... I made it in. "Game OverThinker" is one of the FINAL THREE nominees for "Best Gaming Show;" alongside Mega64 and Unforgotten Realms.
WTF? Look, I'm not going to put on some bullshit humble-face and pretend like I don't bust my ass on these things or that I don't think I do a damn good job most of the time but... seriously? The HELL am I doing nominated alongside Mega64 and Unforgotten Realms??
Anyway, this DOES mean I've got to gently ask you all to once again head over to... http://screwattack.com/Vote
...and vote for GAME OVERTHINKER for "Best Gaming Show" (and whoever else you like for everything else.) Thank you all so much, what a great Christmas gift I genuinely was not expecting.
The Screwattack.com Gaming 1337 awards have moved on to the finals, and thanks to all of YOU... I made it in. "Game OverThinker" is one of the FINAL THREE nominees for "Best Gaming Show;" alongside Mega64 and Unforgotten Realms.
WTF? Look, I'm not going to put on some bullshit humble-face and pretend like I don't bust my ass on these things or that I don't think I do a damn good job most of the time but... seriously? The HELL am I doing nominated alongside Mega64 and Unforgotten Realms??
Anyway, this DOES mean I've got to gently ask you all to once again head over to... http://screwattack.com/Vote
...and vote for GAME OVERTHINKER for "Best Gaming Show" (and whoever else you like for everything else.) Thank you all so much, what a great Christmas gift I genuinely was not expecting.
Thứ Bảy, 28 tháng 12, 2013
ScrewAttack 1337 Awards
Well, we didn't take it. But it was a HUGE honor to be nominated (seriously, I'll be bragging about this for at least a year) alongside titans like Unforgotten Realms and the actual winner, Mega64. Congratulations to all the winners and fellow nominees. Check out the full roster below:
The saddest game story of 2008 is that of "Little Big Planet:" The great little title that inexplicably became annointed the savior of the struggling Playstation 3 and, when said struggles unsurprisingly continued, got counted as a "sales dissapointment." You can call this a post-mortem, but I'd prefer to think of it as a reflection.
No, not technically a "Game OverThinker" ep, but it's related and dammit I wanna share this with as many as possible! I'm SO psyched...
After featuring several reviews from me as stingers on "The Escapist Show," The Escapist has given me a featured spot as part of "The Escapist Presents" for my very own OSCAR SHOW! Watch here, as I attempt a thorough examination of the nominated films, a breakdown of the nomination process, a dissection of Academy Awards history but MOSTLY rant and rage about the still mega-annoying snub of "The Dark Knight."
Check me out:
Oh, and PLEASE click this link to the main page even if the player works fine, Escapist has stuff worth your attention: http://www.escapistmagazine.com/videos/view/the-escapist-presents/561-MovieBob-Oscar-Show
I'll be frank with you guys: It's been a REALLY rough two weeks for me recently. I've got two jobs outside of all the video work - and without getting into big "poor me" details ONE of them I just got laid off from and the second is soon set to close altogether. Not a great situation. But seeing this go up, and seeing the pretty positive reaction to it so far... WOW, what a ray of sunshine. Thank you ALL, seriously. And especially Russ Pitts, the video content head cheese at Escapist who reached out to me for the reviews and continues to be a great guy to do business with.
After featuring several reviews from me as stingers on "The Escapist Show," The Escapist has given me a featured spot as part of "The Escapist Presents" for my very own OSCAR SHOW! Watch here, as I attempt a thorough examination of the nominated films, a breakdown of the nomination process, a dissection of Academy Awards history but MOSTLY rant and rage about the still mega-annoying snub of "The Dark Knight."
Check me out:
Oh, and PLEASE click this link to the main page even if the player works fine, Escapist has stuff worth your attention: http://www.escapistmagazine.com/videos/view/the-escapist-presents/561-MovieBob-Oscar-Show
I'll be frank with you guys: It's been a REALLY rough two weeks for me recently. I've got two jobs outside of all the video work - and without getting into big "poor me" details ONE of them I just got laid off from and the second is soon set to close altogether. Not a great situation. But seeing this go up, and seeing the pretty positive reaction to it so far... WOW, what a ray of sunshine. Thank you ALL, seriously. And especially Russ Pitts, the video content head cheese at Escapist who reached out to me for the reviews and continues to be a great guy to do business with.
EPISODE EIGHTEEN: Obligatory New Year's Wish Episode!
Because this is what you do in January. And you're looking for a slim justification for doing another "random funny clippy" show. Enjoy!
Thứ Sáu, 27 tháng 12, 2013
EPISODE TWENTY-ONE: "Sonic in Crisis - Part I"
Part The First of a two-part examination of what's gone wrong with a gaming icon who's seen better days. PLUS awesome fan-art!
Part 2 in-production right now, stay tuned!
Part 2 in-production right now, stay tuned!
An optimistic conclusion to our two-part peek at the ailing "Sonic The Hedgehog" franchise...
I'll be honest, I'm a little concerned that what amounts to proposing a "what I'd do" reboot of the whole bloody franchise strikes me as alarmingly close to the kind of myopic arrogance that tends to inform "fan fiction"... but I think I found a decent balance here. Or maybe not, you tell me.
I'll be honest, I'm a little concerned that what amounts to proposing a "what I'd do" reboot of the whole bloody franchise strikes me as alarmingly close to the kind of myopic arrogance that tends to inform "fan fiction"... but I think I found a decent balance here. Or maybe not, you tell me.
Because YOU demanded it, because YOU wanted it, because... eh... THEY were willing to put it up, here's my full video review of the movie everyone will be lying about having seen in theatres and knowing was a classic "the whole time" about a year from now, once again courtesy of the fine folks over at The Escapist:
Once again, PLEASE visit The Escapist's actual site after watching the video. These guys are fighting the good fight, bringing REAL intellectual debate to the geek universe, and they deserve your support: http://www.escapistmagazine.com/videos/view/the-escapist-presents/622-MovieBob-Reviews-Watchmen
Once again, PLEASE visit The Escapist's actual site after watching the video. These guys are fighting the good fight, bringing REAL intellectual debate to the geek universe, and they deserve your support: http://www.escapistmagazine.com/videos/view/the-escapist-presents/622-MovieBob-Reviews-Watchmen
EPISODE TWENTY-THREE: "Mississippi Pwning 2"
The trailer for "Resident Evil 5" caused a fervor over scenes of a white uniformed hero battling waves of poor Africans infected with animalistic feral rage. The actual RELEASE of the full game was supposed to calm the tensions and mitigate the loaded imagery. THEN we found out about Sheva's "tribal" costume, and the Native Village. Why is this still a problem, and what does it say about this business?
Y'know what I don't like about this issue? The fact that people insist on being "offended" by OTHER PEOPLE'S OFFENSE. The same (mostly) white gamers who go - justifiably - insane when a TV show or a book portrays gamers as stereotypical lazy manchildren somehow can't imagine why other people MIGHT take offense at being stereotyped - even if unintentionally - by a Resident Evil game.
Y'know what I don't like about this issue? The fact that people insist on being "offended" by OTHER PEOPLE'S OFFENSE. The same (mostly) white gamers who go - justifiably - insane when a TV show or a book portrays gamers as stereotypical lazy manchildren somehow can't imagine why other people MIGHT take offense at being stereotyped - even if unintentionally - by a Resident Evil game.
Thứ Năm, 26 tháng 12, 2013
ScrewAttack Finals
So, according to the vote-tallies on ScrewAttack, I won my round of the myvidsdontsuck contest and will be one of the two competitors to advance to the Finals. Kickass, thanks to everyone who voted!
The second semifinals are underway now, which will essentially decide my Finals "opponent." This one is between two of the BEST indie gaming shows on the web: "Psychotaku," who does reviews of semi-obscure import games in the style of a Japanese pirate-signal TV broadcast; and "Taco Man," an insanely geek-tastic parody of "Captain N: The Game Master." Take a look:
The second semifinals are underway now, which will essentially decide my Finals "opponent." This one is between two of the BEST indie gaming shows on the web: "Psychotaku," who does reviews of semi-obscure import games in the style of a Japanese pirate-signal TV broadcast; and "Taco Man," an insanely geek-tastic parody of "Captain N: The Game Master." Take a look:
So, if all goes well you'll most-likely get a big NEW episode on Friday the 12th in my semi-final ScrewAttack matchup. (I'll put up the link when it's put-up-able) Until then, here's a short-ish bit mostly about this year's E3.
So... I "won" my first round in the semifinals of Screw Attack's "My Vids Don't Suck" contest. I... really did not see that coming. Holy shit. Thanks to EVERYONE who voted.
Yeah. Anyway, the way this works (apparently) is that there's another few semifinals head-to-heads to go, and then (I gather) myself and the other winners go into the finals. Something like that. In any case, I'll be sure to put another "vote for me" link here if and when that time comes. Thanks again ;)
So... I "won" my first round in the semifinals of Screw Attack's "My Vids Don't Suck" contest. I... really did not see that coming. Holy shit. Thanks to EVERYONE who voted.
Yeah. Anyway, the way this works (apparently) is that there's another few semifinals head-to-heads to go, and then (I gather) myself and the other winners go into the finals. Something like that. In any case, I'll be sure to put another "vote for me" link here if and when that time comes. Thanks again ;)
As I had hoped, HERE is the newest full-episode, on the subject of overly-realistic graphics and why I think I find them so tiresome lately. Short-version: Uncanny Valley. Long-version? See below:
HARD LINK: http://www.screwattack.com/myvidsdontsuck/Semi1/OverThinker
I hope you liked it. If you did and/or are a fan otherwise, here's your latest chance to show it: This video is here as an entry in ScrewAttack.com's semifinal round of their "myvidsdontsuck" contest to elect a new contributor. I'm up against the very worthy competitor Director Toby this time, so your votes are more important than ever!
To cast your vote, go HERE to the ScrewAttack forums (you have to register to post to vote): http://screwattack.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=17&t=47970 Official voting will begin sometime on Friday, June 12 (you can only vote once) and will run until June 19.
So... yeah, I'd appreciate every bit of support I could get. And I sincerely thank everyone who votes AND everyone who's already helped me get here. You're the best.
HARD LINK: http://www.screwattack.com/myvidsdontsuck/Semi1/OverThinker
I hope you liked it. If you did and/or are a fan otherwise, here's your latest chance to show it: This video is here as an entry in ScrewAttack.com's semifinal round of their "myvidsdontsuck" contest to elect a new contributor. I'm up against the very worthy competitor Director Toby this time, so your votes are more important than ever!
To cast your vote, go HERE to the ScrewAttack forums (you have to register to post to vote): http://screwattack.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=17&t=47970 Official voting will begin sometime on Friday, June 12 (you can only vote once) and will run until June 19.
So... yeah, I'd appreciate every bit of support I could get. And I sincerely thank everyone who votes AND everyone who's already helped me get here. You're the best.
Okay, so... for various reasons I couldn't talk about this until now, but now I can, so... Yeah.
Here's how it works: I'm part of a running contest at ScrewAttack.com called "myvidsdontsuck." It's a poll in their forums, pitting various vids against one-another by vote. Mine is competing from today until the 19th agains the very, very funny "Rockumentary" HERE: http://www.screwattack.com/myvidsdontsuck/Quarter2
Here's the thing, though: IF you want to vote (for either of us) you have to register to post in their forums and then do the voting in THIS poll-thread:
I'll be honest: I'm VERY surprised to be "in this" at all... these other shows are remarkably well-made and funny. But, y'never know, right?
Here's how it works: I'm part of a running contest at ScrewAttack.com called "myvidsdontsuck." It's a poll in their forums, pitting various vids against one-another by vote. Mine is competing from today until the 19th agains the very, very funny "Rockumentary" HERE: http://www.screwattack.com/myvidsdontsuck/Quarter2
Here's the thing, though: IF you want to vote (for either of us) you have to register to post in their forums and then do the voting in THIS poll-thread:
I'll be honest: I'm VERY surprised to be "in this" at all... these other shows are remarkably well-made and funny. But, y'never know, right?
Thứ Tư, 25 tháng 12, 2013
Game OverThinker in the finals
So... I'm going to be in the finals of the ScrewAttack myvidsdontsuck contest. That's pretty awesome.
The voting for the finals will occur on (I believe) the 25th of June, with the actual match being me against either the very funny Taco-Man or the very funny Psychotaku - who are competing in their semi-final matchup right now. For those who asked, unless plans have to change I'm aiming for my Finals entry to be a full episode about video-game violence that so many have been asking me to do for so long. That's the plan, anyway.
In any case, IF you want to vote for me or anyone else, you HAVE to register at the ScrewAttack message-board forums. It is free, and you can do it here: http://screwattack.com/forum/ucp.php?mode=login
So... yeah, keep an eye out for the 25th, and thanks to everyone who already voted ;)
The voting for the finals will occur on (I believe) the 25th of June, with the actual match being me against either the very funny Taco-Man or the very funny Psychotaku - who are competing in their semi-final matchup right now. For those who asked, unless plans have to change I'm aiming for my Finals entry to be a full episode about video-game violence that so many have been asking me to do for so long. That's the plan, anyway.
In any case, IF you want to vote for me or anyone else, you HAVE to register at the ScrewAttack message-board forums. It is free, and you can do it here: http://screwattack.com/forum/ucp.php?mode=login
So... yeah, keep an eye out for the 25th, and thanks to everyone who already voted ;)
Episode 26: "Button, Button, Who's Got The Button?"
UPDATE: As of 9/13/11, this video can be seen on the NEW screwattack at THIS LINK
Miss me?
Well, it's come to this: I'm now a part of the ScrewAttack family. Enjoy Episode 26, and make sure to click over to the rest of SA's content, too. More to come!
Miss me?
Well, it's come to this: I'm now a part of the ScrewAttack family. Enjoy Episode 26, and make sure to click over to the rest of SA's content, too. More to come!
About the Finals...
Guys, listen up.
Yes, I posted links to my ScrewAttack entry and the place you could vote for it if you so chose.
What I DID NOT ask or encourage anyone to do was flame the SA forums, double-post, get into cut-and-paste arguments or otherwise cause trouble on that site. The enthusiasm is appreciated, bad behavior is not. Be better than that.
Yes, I posted links to my ScrewAttack entry and the place you could vote for it if you so chose.
What I DID NOT ask or encourage anyone to do was flame the SA forums, double-post, get into cut-and-paste arguments or otherwise cause trouble on that site. The enthusiasm is appreciated, bad behavior is not. Be better than that.
Obviously, I'll have more to say about this as I, um... am told more about this... but for now - as some of you may already have heard - "The Game OverThinker" WON the Screwattack.com "myvidsdontsuck" contest; officially confirmed by Stuttering Craig on this week's "Sidescrollers" podcast: http://www.screwattack.com/SideScrollers/071509
My endless thanks, of course, go out to all the fans who voted for me this time, who supported the show in the "playoffs" and who've been there all along. You're the reason I "won" anything, all I did was show up. Thank you.
My endless thanks, of course, go out to all the fans who voted for me this time, who supported the show in the "playoffs" and who've been there all along. You're the reason I "won" anything, all I did was show up. Thank you.
FINALS: Episode 25 - "Violence is Golden"
UPDATE! As of 9/13/11, this episode can be found on the NEW ScrewAttack at THIS LINK.
Here it is, folks. Episode 25, in which I finally get around to The Big One: Video game violence. I could think of no place more appropriate to do this than in my Finals entry in the ScrewAttack contest...
If you enjoy it, why not go HERE and vote for me in the contest itself?
However it goes down, I appreciate every vote I've gotten and will get. None of this is possible without the fans, and I don't plan on forgetting that.
Here it is, folks. Episode 25, in which I finally get around to The Big One: Video game violence. I could think of no place more appropriate to do this than in my Finals entry in the ScrewAttack contest...
If you enjoy it, why not go HERE and vote for me in the contest itself?
However it goes down, I appreciate every vote I've gotten and will get. None of this is possible without the fans, and I don't plan on forgetting that.
Thứ Ba, 24 tháng 12, 2013
Episode 29: "Continuum"
update: as of 9/13/11 this video is found at THIS LINK
Episode 29 is now up at ScrewAttack...
Episode 29 is now up at ScrewAttack...
Episode 28: "Complex Issues"
UPDATE: As of 9/13/11, this video can be found at THIS LINK
With appologies for the wait, a new episode has debuted on ScrewAttack:
Basic subject this time: The somewhat non-started boycott movement that arose around the XBLA title "Shadow Complex," which I SWEAR was still new news when I started this ;)
With appologies for the wait, a new episode has debuted on ScrewAttack:
Basic subject this time: The somewhat non-started boycott movement that arose around the XBLA title "Shadow Complex," which I SWEAR was still new news when I started this ;)
Internet Hall of Fame
Web personality "That Dude in The Shades" has, quite graciously, featured me in his ongoing series "The Internet Hall of Fame." The induction/interview is embedded here:
Episode 27: "Who Will Be Remembered?"
UPDATE: As of 9/13/11 this video can be viewed at THIS LINK
New today at ScrewAttack. Enjoy!
New today at ScrewAttack. Enjoy!
Thứ Hai, 23 tháng 12, 2013
WATCH/READ THIS: "Ode to Minions"
I dunno how many people remember to check it out here and there, but Matthew Taranto and Chris Seward's "Brawl in The Family" is consistently one of the better webcomics out there; especially considering it's working from a premise - goofing mainly on Super Smash Bros.-related franchises - that you'd think wouldn't have much room for growth.
To celebrate "strip #200," they've pulled out the stops for a musical episode. It's pretty damn great (the last three panels just SLAY ME), you can check it out HERE (make sure you enable the music): http://www.brawlinthefamily.com/?p=938
And, since this is the Internet, here's a youtube of the panels "cut" to the song:
To celebrate "strip #200," they've pulled out the stops for a musical episode. It's pretty damn great (the last three panels just SLAY ME), you can check it out HERE (make sure you enable the music): http://www.brawlinthefamily.com/?p=938
And, since this is the Internet, here's a youtube of the panels "cut" to the song:
A little while back, I sat down to be interviewed by Ryan McAskill, aka "The Boston Comedy Examiner," who has now published said interview as part of his podcast.
Check it out here: http://www.examiner.com/examiner/x-8746-Boston-Comedy-Examiner~y2010m1d6-Podcast-MovieBobThe-Game-Overthinker
Check it out here: http://www.examiner.com/examiner/x-8746-Boston-Comedy-Examiner~y2010m1d6-Podcast-MovieBobThe-Game-Overthinker
The Game Underthinker
They say you haven't "made it" until you've been parodied. In which case, I might as well break out the bubbly. "The Game UnderThinker," it strikes me, is spoofing my 'name' less than my style, but I think it's pretty damn funny ;)
Check it out over at the new ScrewAttack:
Check it out over at the new ScrewAttack:
Episode 30: "A Tale of Two Games"
UPDATE: As of 9/13/11 this video can be seen at THIS LINK
Ladies and gentlemen, the FIRST "Game OverThinker" installment created fully for the NEW ScrewAttack.com!
"Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2" and "New Super Mario Bros. Wii." The two biggest games of the Holiday 2009 Gaming Season. Side-by-side, point-by-point... and they might have more in common than you think!
Ladies and gentlemen, the FIRST "Game OverThinker" installment created fully for the NEW ScrewAttack.com!
"Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2" and "New Super Mario Bros. Wii." The two biggest games of the Holiday 2009 Gaming Season. Side-by-side, point-by-point... and they might have more in common than you think!
Episode 31: "What's the Difference?"
update: as of 9/13/11 this video can be viewed at THIS LINK
Chủ Nhật, 22 tháng 12, 2013
Episode 33: "Building a Better Gamer"
update: as of 9/13/11 this video can now be found at THIS LINK
This one is all about US, guys... but not entirely in a good way.
This one is all about US, guys... but not entirely in a good way.
AWESOME Mario art by middle-school kids
I try not to post anything here but episodes, but this was too cool not to share. This HUGE paper-mache (I think) art installation by students from Holten Richmond Middle School is on display at the Liberty Tree Mall in Danvers, Massachusetts from April 8th to 30th. Take a look at this, it's pretty damn cool:

There's actually ANOTHER huge display behind it of "Clash of The Titans," which I'm gonna try and get some snaps of for the other blog tommorow. What's kinda cool is that it looks to be based off the ORIGINAL "Clash." Either way, it would appear Holten Richmond employs the World's Coolest Middle School Art Teacher...

What trips me out about this is the realization of how... "ingrained" the Mario Arcana has become in the pop-culture, a far cry from how "niche" it was for most of when I was the age of the kids who made this: Mario, Luigi & Peach? Okay, makes sense. Toad? Wow. Toad in a Mario Kart?? Whoa.

BIRDO?? Birdo is fair-to-moderately obscure, at least compared to everyone else in here... or "she" has always seemed to be. Is the "Mario Crew" so ubiquitous now that even Birdo gets the "go ahead" for a project that (presumably) had to work from some kind of group consensus? That blows my mind.
I remember trying to do Mario/Nintendo/game-inspired stuff in school art projects as a kid and either being voted down or told that it wasn't a "proper" subject for school. Having something like THIS be a class project - the type that gets shown in a big public space like "the" local mall? My recollections of school would be soooooooo dramatically different if something like this had been on the docket then. What a cool thing, and what a bunch of obviously-talented kids.
The installation is up at the Liberty Tree Mall in Danvers, MA; apparently from April 8th to the 30th. If you're in that area, give it a look. How often do you see stuff like this, right?

There's actually ANOTHER huge display behind it of "Clash of The Titans," which I'm gonna try and get some snaps of for the other blog tommorow. What's kinda cool is that it looks to be based off the ORIGINAL "Clash." Either way, it would appear Holten Richmond employs the World's Coolest Middle School Art Teacher...

What trips me out about this is the realization of how... "ingrained" the Mario Arcana has become in the pop-culture, a far cry from how "niche" it was for most of when I was the age of the kids who made this: Mario, Luigi & Peach? Okay, makes sense. Toad? Wow. Toad in a Mario Kart?? Whoa.
I love the Paratroopa. From the "front" shot at the top, you can see that Yoshi and Donkey Kong also made the cut. But imagine my surprise when I walked to the rear of the piece and saw...

BIRDO?? Birdo is fair-to-moderately obscure, at least compared to everyone else in here... or "she" has always seemed to be. Is the "Mario Crew" so ubiquitous now that even Birdo gets the "go ahead" for a project that (presumably) had to work from some kind of group consensus? That blows my mind.
I remember trying to do Mario/Nintendo/game-inspired stuff in school art projects as a kid and either being voted down or told that it wasn't a "proper" subject for school. Having something like THIS be a class project - the type that gets shown in a big public space like "the" local mall? My recollections of school would be soooooooo dramatically different if something like this had been on the docket then. What a cool thing, and what a bunch of obviously-talented kids.
The installation is up at the Liberty Tree Mall in Danvers, MA; apparently from April 8th to the 30th. If you're in that area, give it a look. How often do you see stuff like this, right?
Games & Violence with Brian
Hey gang. FYI, Brian Schmoyer - late of the infamous "The Only Thing I Know" video, has turned a conversation he and I had into a nifty podcasty thing on ScrewAttack. Have a gander:
Pax 2010
Because people have been asking:
Primarily for financial reasons, I was not able to get a ticket in time (and no, I don't want to buy one off anyone, but thanks anyway) so I will almost-definately NOT be at PAX East this year. However, as it IS going down more or less in my back yard you may see me out and about anyway, in which case feel free to say hi ;)
Primarily for financial reasons, I was not able to get a ticket in time (and no, I don't want to buy one off anyone, but thanks anyway) so I will almost-definately NOT be at PAX East this year. However, as it IS going down more or less in my back yard you may see me out and about anyway, in which case feel free to say hi ;)
Thứ Bảy, 21 tháng 12, 2013
Watch this MEGA MAN fan-film
Indie filmmaker Eddie LeBron spent something like three years making on a "Mega Man" fan film, the scale and scope of which are pretty damn impressive if you ask me. "ScrewAttack" is hosting it, go take a look:
Episode 35: "A Response to Roger Ebert"
UPDATE: As of 9/13/11, this video is at THIS LINK
Thứ Sáu, 20 tháng 12, 2013
I'll see you at SGC!
Nice to finally be able to make this "officially public." I'll be in Texas the weekend of July 4th for the ScrewAttack Gaming Convention (in my capacity as The Game OverThinker), and I hope to see some fans and well-wishers there, too ;)
More details of this will likely follow. Details on the Convention itself can be found HERE: http://sgconvention.com/
More details of this will likely follow. Details on the Convention itself can be found HERE: http://sgconvention.com/
Game OverThinker in SGC2010 TOP TEN!
Hey gang!
ScrewAttack.com has their Top 10 Moments recap of SGC 2010 up at GameTrailers, and my impromptu (and unscripted) "debate" with The Game UnderThinker came in #3! Plus there's a whole bunch of stuff in there to give you an idea of what you missed if you weren't there - including Spoony, The Angry Nerd, Brentalfloss and the INSANE mayhem wreaked by "Keith Apicary" upon the hotel and convention area. Check it out below:
Can't embed for some reason, so click here!
ScrewAttack.com has their Top 10 Moments recap of SGC 2010 up at GameTrailers, and my impromptu (and unscripted) "debate" with The Game UnderThinker came in #3! Plus there's a whole bunch of stuff in there to give you an idea of what you missed if you weren't there - including Spoony, The Angry Nerd, Brentalfloss and the INSANE mayhem wreaked by "Keith Apicary" upon the hotel and convention area. Check it out below:
Can't embed for some reason, so click here!
SGC 2010 "Video Game Celebrity"
Thanks to ScrewAttack G1 "NovaSpec" for posting a video that I didn't think anyone had taped the whole run of, which more-or-less marked The Game OverThinker's impromptu "public debut."
Here's how this happened: The bad weather kept Brentalfloss from arriving on time for his scheduled live concert (though he did end up doing the whole show later when he actually arrived - that guy is a MACHINE!) so the SA crew had to fill a timeslot. The solution: Get the site regulars onstage to play "Celebrity" (read: Charades-with-proper-nouns) for game characters with the audience (itself split into "USA" and "International" teams.) Being available and willing, they asked me to come up too (playing for "Team International.") Please appreciate what a generous "leap" this was on the part of Stuttering Craig etc - most of them had only just MET me, so there's a certain amount of risk involved in inviting a mostly-unknown quantity to a live mic when YOUR responsible for what they might do. In any case, the whole thing was a ton of fun; and I did pretty good... right up until I blew a would-be comeback win by being unable to figure out how to pantomime Ulala from "Space Channel 5." Ah, well.
These are some funny people, and I reccomend you give everyone a watch, but for fans looking for "my" turns they're at 9:40, 19:40 and 38:40 plus a random silly-dance at 26:09. Enjoy!
Here's how this happened: The bad weather kept Brentalfloss from arriving on time for his scheduled live concert (though he did end up doing the whole show later when he actually arrived - that guy is a MACHINE!) so the SA crew had to fill a timeslot. The solution: Get the site regulars onstage to play "Celebrity" (read: Charades-with-proper-nouns) for game characters with the audience (itself split into "USA" and "International" teams.) Being available and willing, they asked me to come up too (playing for "Team International.") Please appreciate what a generous "leap" this was on the part of Stuttering Craig etc - most of them had only just MET me, so there's a certain amount of risk involved in inviting a mostly-unknown quantity to a live mic when YOUR responsible for what they might do. In any case, the whole thing was a ton of fun; and I did pretty good... right up until I blew a would-be comeback win by being unable to figure out how to pantomime Ulala from "Space Channel 5." Ah, well.
These are some funny people, and I reccomend you give everyone a watch, but for fans looking for "my" turns they're at 9:40, 19:40 and 38:40 plus a random silly-dance at 26:09. Enjoy!
Episode 38: TGO's SGC 2010 Panel!
SGC 2010
Here's a question I never would've imagined I'd have an answer to: What does it feel like to have beautiful women dressed up like anime/video-game characters asking YOU for a photo and autograph?
Answer: It feels pretty fucking awesome.
Honestly, easily one of the top ten weekends of my life. Meeting fans from as far away as England and Portugal, signing autographs, doing a panel with Spoony, GPX and the Life & Level guys, hosting my own Q&A panel, watching it get fuller with time and being applauded for broad references to "Babylon 5", being invited up onstage with the ACTUAL ScrewAttack crew, improvising a "debate" with The Game Underthinker, meeting Keith Apicary, Brentalfloss, The Angry Nerd and the whole crew in the flesh, being treated like a goddamn rock star - or, at least, moderately-noteworthy musician - for posting jokey videos on the internet... EPIC. There's just no other word for it.
More in-depth type stuff to come but, for now... wow, just wow.
Answer: It feels pretty fucking awesome.
Honestly, easily one of the top ten weekends of my life. Meeting fans from as far away as England and Portugal, signing autographs, doing a panel with Spoony, GPX and the Life & Level guys, hosting my own Q&A panel, watching it get fuller with time and being applauded for broad references to "Babylon 5", being invited up onstage with the ACTUAL ScrewAttack crew, improvising a "debate" with The Game Underthinker, meeting Keith Apicary, Brentalfloss, The Angry Nerd and the whole crew in the flesh, being treated like a goddamn rock star - or, at least, moderately-noteworthy musician - for posting jokey videos on the internet... EPIC. There's just no other word for it.
More in-depth type stuff to come but, for now... wow, just wow.
"Original Gamer" SGC interview
So... it's taking some time to organize stuff for a "me at SGC video, so for now here's an interview that got done there - spur of the moment - of yours truly by OriginalGamer.com:
Thứ Năm, 19 tháng 12, 2013
Extra Credits
Daniel Floyd has been all over the web for a number of years now, consistently putting out magnificient game-commentary content that you really ought to go look for and watch if you haven't already. Now, he and his compatriots James Portnow and Allison Theus have had their show "Extra Credits" picked up by The Escapist.
You should DEFINITELY be watching this one. I'll put it simply: I'm glad y'all like MY show... but this show is better, so give it a look:
You should DEFINITELY be watching this one. I'll put it simply: I'm glad y'all like MY show... but this show is better, so give it a look:
The "Extra Credits" folks graciously did me the honor of giving "Episode 33: Building a Better Gamer" an (unsolicited) plug at the tail of their new episode this week. Since that WAS about half a year ago, I'm popping it back up right her for anyone who's come looking for it:
Coming Soon: An episode about a Special Lady.
Coming Later: Revolution.
Coming Soon: An episode about a Special Lady.
Coming Later: Revolution.
Give "Other M" a shot
Alright, I don't generally use the "OverThinker" blog for anything but important stuff or new episodes, but I really want to jump into this whole thing:
If you've got a Wii, whether you're a "Metroid" fan or not, and if you ever take my advice on anything: Give "Metroid: Other M" a chance. Yes, even if you just rent it or buy it and sell it back right away if you hate it.
In this business, ANY game that takes a big risk deserves attention and respect, but taking a big risk with an established "franchise" deserves something close to a ribbon just for showing up. And make no mistake, ditching close to a decade of First-Person-Shooter "Metroid" games in favor of - think about this for a moment - a third-person 3D "Super Metroid" successor developed OUTSIDE the Nintendo inner-circle whose controls are mapped to what is essentially an NES CONTROLLER* is easily the biggest risk Nintendo has taken on a license since "Windwaker."
And though I've not beaten it yet, thus far I'm comfortable calling it dangerously-close to amazing.** So if my opinion counts for anything, I'm calling this a must-play - and it'd be a real shame if Nintendo and Team Ninja got the idea that this wasn't a direction they should continue pursuing.
So give it a shot, eh?
* Speaking of which, I would love someone from Team Ninja to explain to me exactly WHY this game - controlled with what amounts to an NES controller and, occasionally, an NES Zapper - controls better than any of their "Ninja Gaiden" games did with Dual Analogs and twice the buttons.
** Before anyone brings it up: YES, melodramatic voice-acting and YES, someone really should've caught what the unintended subtext of the narrative based solution to the "where do upgrades come from" problem might be to some people.
If you've got a Wii, whether you're a "Metroid" fan or not, and if you ever take my advice on anything: Give "Metroid: Other M" a chance. Yes, even if you just rent it or buy it and sell it back right away if you hate it.
In this business, ANY game that takes a big risk deserves attention and respect, but taking a big risk with an established "franchise" deserves something close to a ribbon just for showing up. And make no mistake, ditching close to a decade of First-Person-Shooter "Metroid" games in favor of - think about this for a moment - a third-person 3D "Super Metroid" successor developed OUTSIDE the Nintendo inner-circle whose controls are mapped to what is essentially an NES CONTROLLER* is easily the biggest risk Nintendo has taken on a license since "Windwaker."
And though I've not beaten it yet, thus far I'm comfortable calling it dangerously-close to amazing.** So if my opinion counts for anything, I'm calling this a must-play - and it'd be a real shame if Nintendo and Team Ninja got the idea that this wasn't a direction they should continue pursuing.
So give it a shot, eh?
* Speaking of which, I would love someone from Team Ninja to explain to me exactly WHY this game - controlled with what amounts to an NES controller and, occasionally, an NES Zapper - controls better than any of their "Ninja Gaiden" games did with Dual Analogs and twice the buttons.
** Before anyone brings it up: YES, melodramatic voice-acting and YES, someone really should've caught what the unintended subtext of the narrative based solution to the "where do upgrades come from" problem might be to some people.
Thứ Tư, 18 tháng 12, 2013
Look, I appreciate and am grateful for people posting and linking the show throughout the web, but can I ask a small favor?
When you do, can we maybe NOT do it as part of an "eff you!" or "your opinion is WRONG, here's the RIGHT one!" thing on a forum or talkback or whatever? I appreciate the passion and enthusiasm, but when the show - and, by extension, *I* - get used in such a way, it reflects bad on the show and reflects bad on me. Y'know?
Especially since, regarding the "Other M" episode... I wasn't looking to "refute" or "take-down" any other game critic or site; mainly just respond to recurring message-board trolling and memes.
So... by all means, re-post... but let's all have some tact, eh? ;)
When you do, can we maybe NOT do it as part of an "eff you!" or "your opinion is WRONG, here's the RIGHT one!" thing on a forum or talkback or whatever? I appreciate the passion and enthusiasm, but when the show - and, by extension, *I* - get used in such a way, it reflects bad on the show and reflects bad on me. Y'know?
Especially since, regarding the "Other M" episode... I wasn't looking to "refute" or "take-down" any other game critic or site; mainly just respond to recurring message-board trolling and memes.
So... by all means, re-post... but let's all have some tact, eh? ;)
Jason Isaacs sells you a "Castlevania" game
"Castlevania: Lords of Shadow" is setting itself up to be 2010's other divisive direction-change for a longstanding NES-spawned franchise. Turning Castlevania 3D has never worked out very well, but Konami put some serious money and creative muscle into this attempt - which started out as a game "like" Castlevania that eventually got co-opted into a kind of reboot. In this trailer, actor Jason Isaacs - at this point probably best known to most as Lucius Malfoy - gives us a very thorough rundown:
Obviously, this'll have to come down to how it plays, but so far I like what I see. Yes, obviously, there's a HUGE amount of influence being drawn from other recent successes - most notably God of War and, of course, Shadow of The Colossus. On the GoW front, at least, it must be taken into account that Castlevania invented the use of whip-like and/or "tethered" weaponry in action games. But the design is gorgeous, the subtle but unmistakable references to series mainstays looks nicely done, and I'm really liking those moments where it looks like you're using the ubiquitous chain-whip like such weaponry is actually used (i.e. two-handed and "full body" style like Gogo Yubari in "Kill Bill" - most Castlevanias have had you using a chain whip like a "normal" leather whip.)
The question has always been "will it feel like Castlevania," and from this the answer looks like "yes!" to me - I see a vaugely medieval European setting, I see classic gothic-horror imagery, I see an improbably elaborate castle and I see a Belmont wailing on stuff with a whip - that's Castlevania, as far as I'm concerned. Assuming it plays well, the BIG "to do" among fans will be the design. From about 1997 on (re: "Symphony of The Night" on the PS1) the series has largely kept to a more starkly Manga-esque "neo-goth" look; while this one seems to be a conscious return to the Universal/Hammer Horror by way of Frank Frazetta art-design that the series boasted from the original up through Rondo of Blood. For me, this is what I've always wanted/hoped a 3D big-scale Castlevania would look like, but for folks who started at "Symphony" or after I imagine this must look a bit jarring.
Obviously, this'll have to come down to how it plays, but so far I like what I see. Yes, obviously, there's a HUGE amount of influence being drawn from other recent successes - most notably God of War and, of course, Shadow of The Colossus. On the GoW front, at least, it must be taken into account that Castlevania invented the use of whip-like and/or "tethered" weaponry in action games. But the design is gorgeous, the subtle but unmistakable references to series mainstays looks nicely done, and I'm really liking those moments where it looks like you're using the ubiquitous chain-whip like such weaponry is actually used (i.e. two-handed and "full body" style like Gogo Yubari in "Kill Bill" - most Castlevanias have had you using a chain whip like a "normal" leather whip.)
The question has always been "will it feel like Castlevania," and from this the answer looks like "yes!" to me - I see a vaugely medieval European setting, I see classic gothic-horror imagery, I see an improbably elaborate castle and I see a Belmont wailing on stuff with a whip - that's Castlevania, as far as I'm concerned. Assuming it plays well, the BIG "to do" among fans will be the design. From about 1997 on (re: "Symphony of The Night" on the PS1) the series has largely kept to a more starkly Manga-esque "neo-goth" look; while this one seems to be a conscious return to the Universal/Hammer Horror by way of Frank Frazetta art-design that the series boasted from the original up through Rondo of Blood. For me, this is what I've always wanted/hoped a 3D big-scale Castlevania would look like, but for folks who started at "Symphony" or after I imagine this must look a bit jarring.
Texting of The Bread
Below, the trailer for "Texting of The Bread" - a new mobile game that marks ScrewAttack.com's first foray into game development:
The basic idea is it's a 2D spin on "Typing of The Dead" (re: "House of The Dead" as a keyboard-training game, cult-classic) with mobile texting and evil Gingerbread Men instead of zombies. I saw it in action back at SGC, and it looked like a lot of fun.
You can pick it up for your iPhone, iPad etc HERE.
The basic idea is it's a 2D spin on "Typing of The Dead" (re: "House of The Dead" as a keyboard-training game, cult-classic) with mobile texting and evil Gingerbread Men instead of zombies. I saw it in action back at SGC, and it looked like a lot of fun.
You can pick it up for your iPhone, iPad etc HERE.
EPISODE 40: "Heavens to Metroid!"
update: as of 9/13/11 this video is at THIS LINK
Because YOU demanded it!!!
Remember: ALL NEW Game OverThinker episodes appear
EXCLUSIVELY on ScrewAttack.com!
Because YOU demanded it!!!
Remember: ALL NEW Game OverThinker episodes appear
EXCLUSIVELY on ScrewAttack.com!
Brave and Bold, indeed
Oh, look, a video-game trailer...
I haven't been able to gauge what the general "fan-culture" reaction has been to "Batman: The Brave & The Bold" - currently wrapping up it's final season on Cartoon Network - but I dig it, and apparently it's big with the kids (as it ought to be.) If you haven't seen, the basic idea is HUGE helpings of Silver Age DC fan-service disguised as humorous, "all-ages" Batman cartoon. I won't say it's up to snuff with "Batman: The Animated Series," but the best of it ranks up there with the one-off "funny" episodes of "Justice League Unlimited" - think "This Little Piggy," same basic idea.
In a more general sense, think a more cleverly-scripted cousin to the Adam West "Batman," co-starring a big cross-section of DCU supporting-players and with a heavier emphasis on "get it past the censors" jokes for parents/older-audiences - for example, pay really close attention to the lyrics in this musical bit as the Birds of Prey rate the... "effectiveness" of their various male counterparts:
Unsurprisingly, you can thank Gail Simone [pause for fangirl squeal] for that one (which may or may not have aired in the U.S. yet)
Anyway, the GAME (Wii) is excellent, absolutely worth a buy (I'm told the DS version is good as well.) It's a side-scrolling 2D beat-em-up. The controls take a little getting used to, as it's built around a pretty deep combo-system for a kid-targeted Wii title, but overall pretty smooth once you get into it and looks like it'd be a lot of fun with two people. Developer was Wayforward Technologies, who've carved a niche for themselves as experts of retro-style side-scrollers with "Contra 4" and "A Boy & His Blob." Licensed youth-titles on the Wii are usually a red-flag for shovelware, but retrogamers and/or Silver Age superhero fans should absolutely give it a look.
I haven't been able to gauge what the general "fan-culture" reaction has been to "Batman: The Brave & The Bold" - currently wrapping up it's final season on Cartoon Network - but I dig it, and apparently it's big with the kids (as it ought to be.) If you haven't seen, the basic idea is HUGE helpings of Silver Age DC fan-service disguised as humorous, "all-ages" Batman cartoon. I won't say it's up to snuff with "Batman: The Animated Series," but the best of it ranks up there with the one-off "funny" episodes of "Justice League Unlimited" - think "This Little Piggy," same basic idea.
In a more general sense, think a more cleverly-scripted cousin to the Adam West "Batman," co-starring a big cross-section of DCU supporting-players and with a heavier emphasis on "get it past the censors" jokes for parents/older-audiences - for example, pay really close attention to the lyrics in this musical bit as the Birds of Prey rate the... "effectiveness" of their various male counterparts:
Unsurprisingly, you can thank Gail Simone [pause for fangirl squeal] for that one (which may or may not have aired in the U.S. yet)
Anyway, the GAME (Wii) is excellent, absolutely worth a buy (I'm told the DS version is good as well.) It's a side-scrolling 2D beat-em-up. The controls take a little getting used to, as it's built around a pretty deep combo-system for a kid-targeted Wii title, but overall pretty smooth once you get into it and looks like it'd be a lot of fun with two people. Developer was Wayforward Technologies, who've carved a niche for themselves as experts of retro-style side-scrollers with "Contra 4" and "A Boy & His Blob." Licensed youth-titles on the Wii are usually a red-flag for shovelware, but retrogamers and/or Silver Age superhero fans should absolutely give it a look.
Thứ Ba, 17 tháng 12, 2013
The NES is Silver today
25 years ago today at FAO Schwarz in Manhattan NY, the first Nintendo Entertainment Systems went on sale in the United States. Home video-gaming had died completely in the U.S. three years earlier in The Crash of 1983, and Nintendo had to package the device with a toy robot in order to convince retailers to carry it.
The system launched 18 available games: Balloon Fight, Baseball, Clu Clu Land, Donkey Kong Jr. Math, Duck Hunt, Excitebike, Golf Gyromite, Hogan's Alley, Ice Climber, Kung Fu, Mach Rider, Pinball Stack-Up, Tennis, Wild Gunman, Wrecking Crew and, of course, Super Mario Bros.
I still have mine.
The system launched 18 available games: Balloon Fight, Baseball, Clu Clu Land, Donkey Kong Jr. Math, Duck Hunt, Excitebike, Golf Gyromite, Hogan's Alley, Ice Climber, Kung Fu, Mach Rider, Pinball Stack-Up, Tennis, Wild Gunman, Wrecking Crew and, of course, Super Mario Bros.
I still have mine.
Awesome kid and awesome family make awesome Metroid halloween costume
Hat-tip: KOTAKU
Joe DeRosa, age 11, wants to be Samus Aran - the armor-suited lead character from the "Metroid" video-games - for Halloween. Not exactly something you can buy at Target, and not exactly simple on a design level. Fortunately for Joe, based on the DeRosa Family Blog, he comes from a whole family of DIY tech-wizards and MakerFaire afficionados... and they're building a Varia Suit from scratch.
Below the jump... MAGIC.
Here's the video, from the kid's YouTube Channel, of him and his father making the Arm Cannon. I say again: Here's a kid and his dad, building the Arm Cannon from Metroid in the garage.
I'm literally speechless - it's like if Norman Rockwell illustrated an issue of Scott Pilgrim.
The rest of the project (still in-progress) can be seen on their Family Blog, which also shows their construction of a previous project: An animatronic replica of the dragon from "Eragon" - yes, it breathes fire.
Obviously, the final layer of coolness/interest in this is that the one thing "everybody knows" about Metroid is that, under the armor, Samus Aran is a woman. This fact does NOT appear to be a big deal (or even matter at all) to Joe, his father, or anyone else involved (it's not mentioned anywhere on any of their sites.) That shouldn't be surprising or even worth noticing, but, let's face it: It is... and it's all kinds of kickass. Gender-role-ignoring cosplay as a father/son bonding experience for a postcard-perfect American Family... it's like a time-traveling transmission from a better tommorrow.
There is NOTHING about this video, this project, this kid and his family that is not just incredibly awesome. I'm going to sleep now - I haven't gone to sleep feeling good about the human race in forever, and I want to try it.
Joe DeRosa, age 11, wants to be Samus Aran - the armor-suited lead character from the "Metroid" video-games - for Halloween. Not exactly something you can buy at Target, and not exactly simple on a design level. Fortunately for Joe, based on the DeRosa Family Blog, he comes from a whole family of DIY tech-wizards and MakerFaire afficionados... and they're building a Varia Suit from scratch.
Below the jump... MAGIC.
Here's the video, from the kid's YouTube Channel, of him and his father making the Arm Cannon. I say again: Here's a kid and his dad, building the Arm Cannon from Metroid in the garage.
I'm literally speechless - it's like if Norman Rockwell illustrated an issue of Scott Pilgrim.
The rest of the project (still in-progress) can be seen on their Family Blog, which also shows their construction of a previous project: An animatronic replica of the dragon from "Eragon" - yes, it breathes fire.
Obviously, the final layer of coolness/interest in this is that the one thing "everybody knows" about Metroid is that, under the armor, Samus Aran is a woman. This fact does NOT appear to be a big deal (or even matter at all) to Joe, his father, or anyone else involved (it's not mentioned anywhere on any of their sites.) That shouldn't be surprising or even worth noticing, but, let's face it: It is... and it's all kinds of kickass. Gender-role-ignoring cosplay as a father/son bonding experience for a postcard-perfect American Family... it's like a time-traveling transmission from a better tommorrow.
There is NOTHING about this video, this project, this kid and his family that is not just incredibly awesome. I'm going to sleep now - I haven't gone to sleep feeling good about the human race in forever, and I want to try it.
Bawl of Reach
Alright, so to answer a few readers who kept asking, I finally managed to rent "Halo: Reach" over the weekend. No, it's not getting an episode because it didn't really leave me with anything to think about or talk about and I'm unable to summon the interest to finish the campaign. I've got no real affection for first-person shooters to begin with, nothing about Halo's story, universe or design has ever really appealed to me, and it was quickly evident that I was in for more of the same so... no thanks. I played an evening of the online multiplayer, which did nothing to assuage my dislike for online multiplayer at least in the case of FPS's.
So... yeah. NOT a "review," since I didn't finish it, but didn't really do it for me.
So... yeah. NOT a "review," since I didn't finish it, but didn't really do it for me.
Thứ Hai, 16 tháng 12, 2013
Podcast Interview (Armchair Thinkers)
Chris and Kyle, aka "The Armchair Thinkers," had your's truly as their guest on the Podcast this week. I thought it went pretty well, Judge for yourself.
Armchair Thinkers Facebook Page.
Armchair Thinkers on iTunes (I'm on EPISODE 9)
Armchair Thinkers Facebook Page.
Armchair Thinkers on iTunes (I'm on EPISODE 9)
NEW SHOW debuting tomorrow at The Escapist!
Big news, everybody!
I've got a BRAND NEW video series making it's debut at The Escapist tomorrow: "The Big Picture."
I'm pretty excited about it. This is be a show with an entirely different style and vibe than "Game OverThinker" or "Escape to The Movies" - there's no "set" subject other than no-punches-pulled commentary on the broad nerd-ephemera, so various installments will delve into everything from video games to comics to politics to pop-culture to whatever else strikes my fancy. If pressed, I'd describe the approach as Walter Winchell meets Randal Graves.
The debut episode should be up tomorrow (11/09) around Noon ET. I'll put up a link as soon as I can (aka once it exists) but check out The Escapist tomorrow and it should be there. I hope you like it.
I've got a BRAND NEW video series making it's debut at The Escapist tomorrow: "The Big Picture."
I'm pretty excited about it. This is be a show with an entirely different style and vibe than "Game OverThinker" or "Escape to The Movies" - there's no "set" subject other than no-punches-pulled commentary on the broad nerd-ephemera, so various installments will delve into everything from video games to comics to politics to pop-culture to whatever else strikes my fancy. If pressed, I'd describe the approach as Walter Winchell meets Randal Graves.
The debut episode should be up tomorrow (11/09) around Noon ET. I'll put up a link as soon as I can (aka once it exists) but check out The Escapist tomorrow and it should be there. I hope you like it.
and the fandom rejoiced
Independent filmmaker Eddie Lebron, whom you may remember from the pretty-solid feature length "Mega Man" Fan-Film last year, has formally announced his production of a "Sonic the Hedgehog" Fan-Film.
The best parts of "Mega Man" were Lebron's grasp of action, scene composition, not-bad-at-all use of visual effects and clever narrative compromises toward realizing the game in live-action (and on a budget) so the notion of him tackling a feature built around a main character (and presumably several others) realized wholly through CGI is encouraging as far as I'm concerned. The BIG news, of course, is who he's landed to provide Sonic's voice...
Way. Past. Cool.
The best parts of "Mega Man" were Lebron's grasp of action, scene composition, not-bad-at-all use of visual effects and clever narrative compromises toward realizing the game in live-action (and on a budget) so the notion of him tackling a feature built around a main character (and presumably several others) realized wholly through CGI is encouraging as far as I'm concerned. The BIG news, of course, is who he's landed to provide Sonic's voice...
Way. Past. Cool.
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